Grimsby: Where is the “red Wall” breaks

a Lot of these British elections from the “red Wall” speech. The old industry of the Midlands and the North of England, by the move from Liverpool in the West to Great Grimsby, in the East, areas in which, traditionally, “red”, so Labour is elected.

the problems have to fight Labour strategists in these many by the decline of subscribed regions for a long time. The Brexit, however, has intensified their problems. He has destroyed old loyalties and new interests created. For many voters, the house voted in the EU Referendum in 2016 for an exit from the EU.

they are often passionate on this disengagement from Europe. And because these voters is the attitude of “your party” in this issue “too lax”, threatening the Wall with the coming election of serious harm – much to the delight of the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson , of course, bring the Brexit is now simply “on the stage” wants.

In the old fishing port of Grimsby, for example, where 75 percent of the population voted for Brexit, should fear the Labour MP Melanie Onn, that her conservative rival, Lia Nici, your on 12. December is remove the mandate. It would be a historical turning point. Labour has held Grimsby for three quarters of a century continuously. “A colorful dog” had chosen the people in the past, in Grimsby, as long as he was wearing a Labour Rosette, mocks you here.

The cod war with Iceland and the Brussels-imposed fishing quotas have destroyed everything, complain the Locals.

But as in so many other Working-Class districts, it no longer does a colorful dog. In may, Labour has already lost Grimsbys town Council to the Tories. And now Melanie is so Onn in distress, which has recently been voted in the lower house for Johnson’s Brexit Deal, although it holds nothing of Brexit.

Little bit of sympathy with Labour showing individual “Grimbarians”, which comes in the centre Grimsbys for a warming coffee into the conversation. “How are we supposed to believe them? Listen at all to us?” is always asked. The Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn his critics find in Grimsby a “draw in London”, the do not understand ultimately what it is all about and what is thing “here in the North”. Also, the influx of “all the Eastern Europeans” to Grimsby in the last 15 years, is for many who lament the lack of Jobs locally, “a real Problem”.

Certainly, Boris Johnson was “an airhead”, a rooms two young mothers, approve with three children in tow at the local arcade to take a breather. “But at least he knows what to say,” says one. “At least he is, what he wants to know.”

a lot of times the Frustration is in the air, here in the Humber estuary. It is a miracle? The town could boast in the middle of the last century to be the largest fishing port in the world, has become a shadow of its former self. The cod war with Iceland and the Brussels-imposed fishing quotas have destroyed everything, complain the Locals.

Over in the Docks, where the fisheries Museum is on the rocks, lonely, still a proud fishing boat, the fifty years, the Tiger-Ross, on the waves. Real nostalgia envelops the place, the addiction to manage, in the meantime, with fish processing.

Beaconsfield: a Bickering Tories

worlds apart Beaconsfield from Grimsby, on the South by the North. The old market town in the County of Buckinghamshire, 40 miles West of London, is one of the most affluent communities in the entire country. Here, where once the coaches of the capital were on the way to Oxford holding, a mix of owned, rural Idyll and the basic conservative attitude. Beaconsfield is one of the most solid Tory constituencies.

Pretty, half-timbered, small shops for jewelry, carpets and Antiques, a colossal Mercedes-Benz Showroom, which dominate the locality. From the parish Church of St Mary’s penetrates under a England-Flag-joyful advent song. Actually, you should believe that the “blue” Tory of the world is still in order. But even this Idyll, in the EU Referendum in 2016, almost exactly half for and half against the outlet has been voted, has disturbed the Brexit difficult.

here, Too, wrestled with the future of Britain in Europe is bitter. It takes not even Labour or the Brexit Party. Two candidates from the conservative camp are irreconcilable.

the Official candidate of the Tories is a Brexit-enthusiastic 37-year-old Ex-Hollywood actress of American origin by the name of Joy Morrissey, the knows, however, on-the-spot, hardly anyone, because the Tory local club has ordered four weeks ago from the capital to Beaconsfield.

Tories who would prefer to remain in the EU, have lost their political home.

The other candidate is Dominic Grieve, former attorney-General and Cabinet member of the government of David Cameron – one of the most prominent British politicians ever, who has represented the constituency of Beaconsfield for 22 years in the house of Commons. In the last elections, two years ago, came to Grieve here, even on a two-thirds majority: A success that is hardly a member of Parliament can have.

Since then, of course, the now 63-Year-old it mess with the more powerful become Brexiteers in their own stock. In Parliament, he rebelled more and more against the hardliners and least against a No-Deal-Brexit vote. As punishment, Boris Johnson has thrown him, and twenty other members of the group from the party. And Grieves local branch has decided not to nominate its Beaconsfield-Star again. But let Grieve not like it. He is as conservative-minded “independent”. Basically, he explains, the Situation is pretty crazy – that he storms now effort, a self-created Tory stronghold.

The response is divided. Some Tories grumble Grieve “a traitor” on the Brexit. You hope that he has without the party apparatus, without blessing “from above”, with little opportunities. In fact, it is uncertain whether it will be enough for him without this blessing. Grieve and the other Tory rebels find themselves in a difficult situation. With the radical shift to the right of the party, with the transformation of the Conservative “in a second Brexit-party” have lost old-fashioned Tories who would prefer to remain in the EU, their ancestral home.

Canterbury: Europe is so close

Who knows in Europe? Those who recognize the best quotes of the Brexiteers? Is tested at a “Euro-Pub-Quiz” , which will be held in the parish hall, Tyler’s Hill, on the outskirts of Canterbury. Around a hundred rate of funny have gathered, of various European nationalities, different temperament, different party affiliation, all from Canterbury. It is night, there was a bit of a conspiracy in the early break in the winter.

There are self-baked Treats. It’s a lot of laughter, joking, we do. Also Rosie Duffield can relax in this circuit a little. The honourable member for Canterbury refers to the EU-flags on the walls: “Here in Canterbury, in this corner of England, we feel Europe is very close.” After all, 55 percent of voters for the whereabouts voted in the EU.

The 48-Year-old was the big Surprise of the election of 2017. The Labour politician, conquered with only 187 votes in the constituency in the County of Kent, close to Dover – the city with the famous Cathedral, on a conservative ground. “We need to stop Boris Johnson at any price,” explains Duffield. He had kidnapped the Tories literally. He “made a party to the hard Right”.

your own party, however, also has its problems. One of the largest in the chair Jeremy Corbyn is. Passionate Brexit opponents, with Labour, the Labour leader says it with the proximity to the EU at all seriously. Quite apart from the persistent accusation of Antisemitimus against Corbyns “Regime”.

Liberal, green party, Pro-Europeans gathered behind Duffield. In constituencies such as Canterbury, the hope is that a possible collapse of the “red Walls” in the North, Choose anywhere else by rainbow’s enthusiasm and tactical betting can be made in the Brexit-opponents – and that Boris Johnson is still made in a last-Minute dash through the Brexit bill.

Created: 05.12.2019, 19:31 PM