From February 2019 to introduce the school to care for the municipality of Schlieren, a new tariff system for the nursery. Parents have to spend according to the “limmattaler Zeitung” between 32 and 123 percent more, if they allow their children to school in addition take care of. Now you have to pay for afternoon care, depending on income, 14 to 26 francs. You need to shell out for children gärtler 23 to 58 francs and for primary school children 18.50 to 46 francs.

the parents of The 350 children who should be cared for in a Schlieremer Hort, in the district of Dietikon appeal filed. “We have rarely received so many appeals on a decision,” says Council clerk Stephen Bosshard to the newspaper.

Necessary tariff increase

One of the Appellants is GLP-Councilman Henry Jager. He would have to pay for the care of his children, soon to be 40 percent more, he says. “In conversation with other parents, I know that for many, the Horttarife 70 to 109 per cent increase.” Jager is now feared that as a result, many wealthy and middle-class families move or their children in private school.

parents are not with the tariff increase satisfied, of course, school President Bea cancer (FDP). The adjustment, however, had been necessary, because the cost of coverage was based solely by the inflation development is significantly low. “Due to the cost pressure in the financial budget of the city, the School has recognised its responsibility and the cost structure of the school is optimized,” says cancer.

Created: 10.12.2018, 09:40 PM