are you get tired and crawl always somewhere around: lice. But in the cold times of the year when it is more likely indoors, closer together, and the children stuck together in their heads, then the next tuft is reached faster and the Transfer to other persons only by direct hair-to-hair contact.

Particularly parents of school-age children. And really nasty is, if a ping-pong set effect: When finally lice-free children in the case of friends re-connecting, where the lice are still active. “It doesn’t stop fast”, said a father who lives with his family in a circle 3. “Hardly, it over with the lice in a child, it starts the next time.”

The “Lau Auntie” will not come back

The amount of effort you had to run to home, the pesky creeper get rid of was significant. “And this anti-head lice Shampoo is really expensive. The a lot of money, because you have to apply it for the whole family.” He wants to return to the “Lau Auntie” again in the schools , the rooms in the class the lice on the skin is moved.

However, the “Lau Auntie” will not come back. The so-called outreach head louse by louse specialist in Zurich for four years, saving reasons.

parents berate each other

by the end of November 2016, made Hans-Peter Prince, President of the school Principals and head teachers conference, to the attention of the “head lice epidemic” drag often unnecessary for a long time, and always in the same families break out. Add to this that the parents abused each other, and teachers must sometimes intervene to clarify.

The statistics show that less than 5 percent of the “Lau Auntie” studied children with lice were infested. In General, a maximum of one to two children per class were affected.

the Prince suggested that each school, a teacher, or a teacher to “professional Lice treatment” was determined and is trained, and then, on request, in the classes and Hoard is going to go.

The School Board refused, however. The time required for the control of all the pupils was in relation to the Benefits to be large. The statistics from the years of the outreach head lice service have shown that less than 5 percent of the studied children with lice were infested. In General, a maximum of one to two children affected were in each class.

New procedures in the fight against

for legal reasons, is the responsibility of the head lice-fighting but, as before, in the schools. In particular, the detection of the infestation, the Information about possible measures and Check whether they are implemented successfully and on time.

As a reaction to fürst’s request, the school health services of the city of Zurich, therefore developed in cooperation with the legal service of the School and sports Department is a new concept for the head lice control in public schools. Since the beginning of the school year 2018/2019 you. The procedures are regulated in the following way: a teaching person the impression that in the case of a child with a head lice infestation may be you will be informed by the guardian directly via a letter and asking for the consent, the data of the child in the head lice service the school medical service (SAD). For this purpose, a written consent of the parents is absolutely necessary.

The head lice service will then contact the parents and offer them a free consultation or examination of the child.

In the case of a consultation of the SAD is investigating the attack. The finding is negative, a so-called head louse-freedom certificate, direct the parents to the Class teacher. The result is positive, advise the service the parents with the head lice-fighting and agreed to an appointment for a checkup – usually after about four weeks, because a full treatment lasts so long.

The teacher checked in this time, the class on additional suspected cases. She has the impression that a child is infested with head lice, invites you, the parents, in writing, to an interview. It is important to clarify the facts and “on the parents interact with the child to examine and treat the head lice infestation”.

with the new scheme are primarily the parents, to ensure a head lice infestation. It is only when the parents overlook this, and the infestation in the school is obvious, should a teacher be active.

head lice service is only now busy

The head lice service that includes 40 percent, there was already before the implementation of the new approach, therefore no additional financial resources were necessary. According to Andrea-Seraina Bauschatz, head of the school medical service of the city of Zurich, is busy, the service is only since the changeover. Current Figures are not yet available. Between 2015 and 2018, there have been, on average, per month, eleven on-site consultations, and eight consultations on the phone or by Mail.

The treatment of head lice continues to be voluntary. “Only when it is clear that the parents of the student or of the student can not provide for the treatment or want and as a result, the learning atmosphere in the school disturbed, can be dispensed to a child with head lice infestation from school,” says Bauschatz. The Dispensation is revoked in accordance with the new approach, only if the parents can prove with a medical certificate, the head louse freedom of your child.

So, you louse: An adult head. (Image: ZVG)

preventive measures, there is not

Who would like to make it not only so far, pays attention to the home, whether or not a child starts to scratch, frequently on the head or on strong itching complains. The animals are nesting in your head of hair – preferably at the temples, behind the ears and in the nape of the neck. Who discovered the 1 to 3 mm small parasites in family members, may report directly to the head lice service of the city for advice.

preventive measures there is no. To have head lice, it has nothing to do with a lack of Hygiene. Because blood is blood, and every two to four hours needed by the parasite for a Portion. Without blood, the lice survive no longer than a day. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 30.01.2019, 13:45 PM