Regional researcher, centre-driven government is in a big picture supported the concentration of development.Many municipalities are now suffering the attraction of deprivation. Stock. JUHANI Maukonen local attraction will affect the area of investigation according to essential education, skills and transport connections.The evening journal according to the report, the government’s actions are in the big picture in focus boost, although the prime minister has stressed the importance of a balanced country development.

Prime minister Juha Sipilä (kesk) has said that the centre wants to take care of the entire country’s balanced development. In July, the prime minister share on Twitter link to yle’s questionnaire and wrote: ”the Whole of Finland can be considered inhabited. That the finns want to. Jobs, education and services fair in the whole country, an important foundation.”

at the end of November Sipilä said the center of the party council in the centre of the opposing forces of ”free vuorela-green left-wing to the concentration policy”.

the evening paper went through the current government’s decisions. It turned out that many of the decisions have further strengthened the concentration of development and weakened the smaller local attraction.

the area of Timo Aro considers that the Finnish president and the centre-led government’s decision is a clear conflict of concentration.

– the Reality and decisions are time far from these fine speeches, Aro said.

Although political decisions affect the development of the region after several years of delay, is the Aron, according to some government decisions already visible concentration increasing effects. Aron, according to the big picture decisions have been to concentrate development support.

education cuts

the Municipalities emphasize that education and particularly secondary education is a key local attraction-factor. Education concentration trend started in the previous government period, when massive cuts to education, research and product development. The Finnish government has continued the same development thread, although next year’s budget in education is to permit small additions.

the Current government has cut training for about 600 million euros, of which about 190 million is allocated to vocational training.

– it Is quite clear that when education starting places and resources for different levels of education reduced, it inevitably leads to a focus on the intensification of and training in place concentration of fewer regions. Training place after young adults are increasingly transforming growth centres, research officer Aro said.

the association of local authorities specialist Maarit Kallio-Savela according to the education cuts, especially in Eastern and Northern Finland’s vocational training offerings have been reduced.

– the Facilities and staff are the largest item of expenditure, so they have had plenty of pruning. Metropolitan cities are particularly concerned about the education cuts, the impact of urban vitality, Kallio-Savela said.

the metropolitan cities are cities that are districts and economic areas of their centers or central pairs, but not the provincial centers.

– Vocational education the new financing model will become a guide to training the organizers combined the former faster, says education policy expert Sam Maxenius student Union of the.

concentration regulation

the medical association’s executive director Kati Myllymäki according to the regional hospitals and city hospitals of special medical care is already in practice been driven down, and the current government has intensified medical care of the concentration.

specialized medical concentration regulation came into force in August. It will certain require surgeries, treatments and measures focused on the five university hospital or the so-called broad duty of hospitals.

the merger regulation has led to the fact that in many central hospitals have already been a specialist of recruitment problems, as specifically required by the cuts-making is for many specialist to work in the salt.

recruitment problems, in turn, is followed concern that adequate skills on duty-time no longer should be in certain central hospitals.

– If we don’t have day time activities that maintain doctors ‘ skills, where the hell did we get that knowledge to the night and the weekend, said the Central Finland central hospital director Vesa Juniper .

is this going to Be the end result, that we have five university hospital and Jyväskylä big central hospital and other hospitals shrivel, mill hill asks.

Aro pointed out, that a good and easily achievable health care services are part of the attraction for residents in the eyes. Patient safety the association is concerned pitenevien distance the impact of patient safety and patients of the inequality depending on where in Finland they live.

the main artery of the regulation

transport connections and transport connections speed is essential in the context of the attractiveness of regions, Steppe said.

in the Year 2016 ministry of transport and communications suitable VR with the trains the discontinuation of the 28 stations, and the numerous train has also thinned.

the Finnish transport agency’s strategy has been already longer that the major routes and other high traffic avenues of the maintenance contribution is the most. At the turn of this principle is further emphasized, when in force, the government of the major highways in the regulation. The regulation defines a smaller amount of pääväyliksi classify routes, but set the major highways of the highest quality objectives, i.e., for example, part of the major highways winter maintenance levels will be raised.

Today, the main road network are classified into a total of about 13 300 kilometres of roads with about 5500 miles meets the future, the main artery of the criteria.

When routes is being developed, the development focus is on highways, because there benefit is much, says the transport agency’s leading expert on Vesa Männistö .

Many of the province expressed regulation consultation, the concern that your area of the fairway to stay exempt from the regulation, which would negatively impact the area’s viability and, for example, the amount of investment.

the ministry of Transport and communications has been taking care of the gratuitous justification of it, that the regulation to decide the investment. Regional researcher of the Aro to keep clear, however, that the regulation’s impact on investment and regional attractiveness.

– the fact that the area is reached along the main routes, to help the development of the region and creates, above all, faith in the future, reflecting the region’s other development, such as willingness to invest. Bus outside the areas again even more to contend with.

the taxi reform

the Government’s taxi reform came into force in July. Reform taxi pricing was released and on duty has been abolished.

the taxi association ceo Timo Koskinen told me, that on-call obligation removal is seen in the smallest municipalities and cities in such a way that getting a cab is difficult.

– unfortunately, This is the result of the taxi reform, Koskinen said.

according to ms Koskinen, in more quiet areas of profitable working time taxi company is mainly weekdays clock 07-17 between, which is, inter alia, school transportation, medical transports, as well as the elderly and disabled transportation.

the Night – and the evening traffic is groomed in the smallest municipalities, only the on-call obligation. Now when an obligation is not, focus on profitable business, and not hire outside labour force, i.e. let alone day traffic and night sleep.

for Example, a Coil-cab access has revealed significant regional issue of taxi reform.

Also a taxi ride to the pricing released by reform. It means that the price can vary considerably depending on the area and time of day depending on the. Taxi association, according to data of the taxi ride prices are, on average, risen by the reform, especially in areas where there is less traffic.

Aro pointed out, that the local attraction is the sum of many factors. It, for example, that taxi services are now less available in the growth centres outside, at least not more smaller local attraction.

the attraction of a key

Aron according to the dichotomy of attraction and non-attractive regions is confirmed by the Finnish government during the period. The situation reflects the fact that migration and population increase of the number is now lower than at any time since the 1970s.

– migration to other municipalities are actually strongly concentrated in large and medium cities and urban regions around, Aro said.

Aro reminded that the Finnish government is a successful economic and employment development-related efforts, thereby more and more have found work and many the economic situation has improved

Jobs are not always alone, because Aron, according to the comprehensive attraction of at is crucial for the municipality’s development. At the moment most of the growth centres outside the municipalities are, so to speak, job self-sufficient so their work would be enough for all residents, but still they suffer from the negative population development.

– They now have the problem, that jobs would have had plenty of, but in spite of people not necessarily ready to move to the region or locality, where there is no outside of work sufficient life. Alone is no longer enough it will work, if all else outside of it is not sufficiently attractive, Aro said.