Cockroaches are known as some extremely hardy animals that can survive in a month’s time without a head.

Precisely the property ended up with to prove extremely useful for kakerlakken in the clip above, since it drew the shortest straw in a showdown with a wasp.

According to the Daily Mail came German Cyrill Forum home to his house in the southern German Konstanz to the sight of the two insects in a deadly battle, as he decided to film.

the showdown came hvepsen out as the winner when it was first peeled more of the kakerlakkens ben. Then put the trump card on the by slowly to bite his head of kakerlakken and fly away with it. matadorbet See the purge of the article.

– It was fascinating to see the two fight. It was like watching a wrestling-showdown, as hvepsen ended up winning, tells the 20-year-old students about the purge according to the Daily Mail.