Bjørn Tore Godal (Ap) was the defense minister in 2001, when the decision to buy the 14 NH90 helicopters was made.

Explained: Former minister of defence Bjørn Tore Godal testified today about helikopterskandalen. Archive photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix Show more

today he had to explain himself about his role in the purchase, as the first of seven defence ministers in a row who have on the curtain in the control and konstitusjonskomiteen.

The military helicopters from the French – and italienskeide company NHIndustries, should according to plan be in place between 2005 and 2008.

the Status today is that the Uk has received eight helicopters. Six of them can only be used for training.

Experts ‘ recommendation

Godal tells us that the prior for the decision was set down a nordic group of experts since all four of the nordic nations should have new helicopters.

It skiftelige the advice from the expert group was clear:

army’s confidence weakened by the scandalous spending Comment

– The recommended NH90 as the most cost-effective. They recommended this and not something else, ” he says.

A critical report from the Beyond is the background for today’s hearing. Here get manufacturer hovedskylden for the delay, but also the Armed forces and the ministry of Defence receives criticism.

Among other things, believe Beyond that the Parliament set as an important precondition for helikopterkjøpet, that it should be selected in a helicopter with a known technology and a supplier with proven reliability, were not followed up.

NH90 existed only as a prototype and NHI had no production to show for, but was still selected as the supplier.

– to what extent, a that this also could be a big risikoprosjekt, all the time this helicopter type never previously had been produced? was Godal asked by the control – and konstitusjonskomiteens saksordstyrer, Hans Fredrik Grøvan in the day.

OSLO 20180122. New helicopter NH90 in the fregattversjon landed on the Basement at Lillestrøm. Photo: Berit Roald / NTB scanpix Show more

the Defence ministry and I as minister felt we had to relate to advice from the nordic expert group. It was not so that the technology was not known. The application of the there were of course questions, but it was not so great. On the contrary, it was this one had the most confidence in, black Godal, who also noted that he found support for his decision in that there were also a number of other NATO countries that ordered the same helicopter type.

In retrospect, it has been questioned why a not went for american Sea Hawk helicopters, a millitært maritime helicopter as opposed to the NH90 was well proven.

Other models were more proven, but they were seen as not. Then we had no other choice than to go for it as they had the most expertise on this in the country, recommended, he said.

Politically favorable

Godal was also asked whether it was important also that one could choose a european helicopter, something the former foreign minister admitted that he looked at as a plus.

– The interesting thing with the NH90 was that it was four NATO countries behind who was also the EU-countries. It was seen this way to turn many flies in one stone. I meant purely political that it was beneficial to relate to the constellation, although it would not be conclusive. So should it prove in retrospect that it was a big disappointment. But I had no assumptions there and then to see how wrong it would go, ” says Godal as stated.

– there are some that Are disappointed then it is us that saw the start of this with the nordic cooperation that was very well thought of when it started, he said.

When the Godal he would later summarize, he used even stronger words and laid all the blame on the contractor.

– I am full of irritation and curse. It has been a project without management from the contractor’s side the whole time. It is certainly something we can learn from this, but when all countries are experiencing the same thing, so it is obvious where the problem is located, he believed.

Came to the experts

Also Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen explained during today’s hearing. She was the secretary of Defense and the ministry of Defence in 2012 a study about a would end the contract with the NHI.

At this time, the helicopters, already four years late, and the preliminary versions of the helicopters that had arrived, had major deficiencies.

Asked why they still chose to maintain the contract she replied, also by referring to the ekspertrådene.

It was a very clear recommendation from the Defense which is also the ministry’s fagavdeling supported in its recommendations to me. Option, Sea Hawk did not satisfy the Norwegian requirements. It was even in the setting that the Sea Hawk would have been unacceptable. It was a finished helicopter, yes, but it would have to be adapted to Norwegian requirements. It would be at least as expensive. And at this point we thought also that they would be finished before,