Regular Polish. Respect. And a matter of course for all danes.

Then, briefly and precisely cooked the immigration and integration minister, Inger Støjberg, Thursday, the whole debate about the ‘håndtryksloven’ down.

– hand pressure is the normal greeting in Denmark. Of course, it gives you hand. How is it, said Inger Støjberg on the question of how the encounter between the two palms of the hands can be so important that it must be a Danish law.

Thursday at 14: 00 be the first nine new danes receive their citizenship in Copenhagen at the first grundlovsceremoni ever. If they would give Inger Støjberg a handshake.

– It is in exactly the moment when I become Danish citizens, death Inger Støjberg to the new danes in his speech.


the Law of the handshake was adopted 29. June 2018, and has since been much discussed both within and outside the country’s borders.

It is clear in the legislation, what it means to give a proper handshake: palm of the hand must touch the palm of the hand, and you don’t have gloves on.

Håndtrykkene will in the future be exchanged out in the country’s municipalities. The representatives from the municipalities – mayors, videborgmestre or other – follow a point of law ‘does not force a handshake, if the applicant does not wish to give a handshake’, as this may be interpreted as reluctance to become a Danish citizen.

the Law of the handshake was adopted in June 2018 by the government with support from the Social democrats and the Danish people’s Party. And ever since, it has been the subject of discussion – both at home and abroad.

It will be the future mayors of the country’s municipalities, which must stand for grundlovsceremonierne – and also here, several mayors have already expressed their criticism of the law.

Eigtved Warehouse at Christianshavn in Copenhagen was stuffed to the brim with journalists from 21 different Danish and foreign media, who witnessed the nine one-off, as with Inger Støjbergs word ‘becomes part of history’.

– I have seen that some are discussing whether one could give a high five, knockles (knuckle against knuckle, red.) or a hug. But honestly… when we give each other the hand, we demonstrate respect.

the Whole ceremony took – from Støjberg, went on the pulpit and welcomed us, it was all over seven minutes and 45 seconds.

Only the photographers ‘ knipsen broke the silence in the room, when there was exchanged a handshake. Until Sakander Khan’s hand met Støjbergs.

– a Thousand, thousand thanks, rungede 30-year-old Sakander Khan high and proud, as he pressed the minister in the hand, and got handed his proof of Danish citizenship before he too slipped down quietly on his seat again.

the First time got Sakander Khan, who originates from Afghanistan, the refusal of citizenship. But the second time wasn’t a succes, and he is one of the nine who now call themselves ‘dane’.

– It is a very big day. I am very happy. I think I will celebrate it with my little brother, some sweets and then I will immediately order a Danish passport.

– What do you think of having to give a handshake to be a dane?

– I think it is fine to provide hand. That’s how it is in many other countries, if you become a citizen. It is no problem for me.

the 30-year-old Sakander Khan was pleased and proud when he received his citizenship. – I think that I will go home and order a Danish passport, he said. Photo: Linda Johansen.

– you Can understand the criticism of the law?

– No, not really. I know that some muslims from particular cultures will not provide hand – not at all to women. But it is very few. I am muslim, and I have no problem with it.

– From now on, can call you danes each and every one, ended Inger Støjberg, before she offered a refreshment, a kanapé, and socialize at a closed reception, for, as she said: ‘it is with fun is also a part of it to be Danish’.

A second, which on Thursday got the proof statsborgskab in the hand, is 32-year-old Sheryll Ann Dufke. She is heavily pregnant with her third child, has lived in Denmark for 28 years, and until a year ago she was actually a Danish citizen.

She was born in the Philippines, but a review of her birth certificate and other papers revealed the forgeries, and therefore she was no longer officially a dane.

– What do you think of having to give hand, before you can be a dane again?

– It is fine and not touching me. I had done it anyway. It is a very Danish thing. It would be unnatural for me to take anything without giving hand.

Sheryll Dufke, 32, was even surprised at how affected she was, after having received the evidence of his Danish citizenship in hand. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix.

– But you must regulate it?

I can understand that point of view and the whole debate, but it touches just not me personally. I also learn my children to shake hands when they greet.

the Whole ceremony took – from Støjberg, went on the pulpit and welcomed us, it was all over seven minutes and 45 seconds.

– From now on, can call you danes each and every one, ended Inger Støjberg, before she offered a refreshment, a kanapé, and socialize at a closed reception, for, as she said: ‘it is with fun is also a part of it to be Danish’.

So many people get Danish citizenship on the year:

the Figures are only an expression of all those who have obtained Danish citizenship in each year. It will say that the figures also include those who have been Danish nationals for example by adoption and by statement.

From 2015 to 2016, there was a marked increase in the number of new Danish citizens. This is despite the fact that a broad political majority in the fall of 2015 entered into an agreement to tighten up on the requirements to become a Danish citizen.

A month previously entered another new law in force, which according to the OECD, may be the cause for the large increase. The change of law on Danish nationality now allows the right to dual citizenship, and it means that foreigners no longer are forced to abandon their original citizenship to become Danish citizens.

Source: Statistics Denmark,