Adriana Valverde (the Socialist Group spokesperson in Almeria City Council) presented yesterday the two motions the PSOE will present to the next plenary session, which will be held Monday. The Socialist Group will ask for the removal of the gravel from municipal playgrounds and the replacement with a cushioning surface that is “safer,” more hygienic, and more accessible.

Adriana Valverde noted that there are still parks with gravel in Almeria in areas such as El Toyo and Costacabana. She also highlighted the fact that the mayor should replace the floor with any other cushioning material such as rubber or whatever is recommended by the technicians.

Valverde stated that gravel floors are difficult to clean and disinfect. It can also hide cigarette bits, urine, remains, excrement, and glass. This makes it dangerous for little ones as they could get the pebbles into their noses and mouths.

“Gravel isn’t prohibited by the regulations that regulate these facilities, but it isn’t the most suitable surface to use by children,” Valverde said. He insists that “we will ask that it be replaced with floors that better ensure safety, accessibility, and health of those play areas.”

The second motion of Socialist Group will focus on El Diezmo. The Castillo del Diezmo is located to the west and north of El Diezmo. These land areas are extremely deteriorated and there are no remains.

He also explained that the current PGOU (because despite the promises made by the PP in Junta, four year after the Government of Moreno Bonilla, we continue with the PGOU 98), foresees two planning figures for that area: one to provide facilities for public and social interests and the creation a free space – an area of 19,760 sq. meters – and another to accommodate the housing area located east of the Castle>>.

Socialist Group has asked the government team to take as many steps as possible so that the planning can be completed quickly. It includes the urbanization of the area around the Castle that was declared BIC in 1949.

Valverde stated that all the actions requested by us are pre-planned in the PGOU and that “we’re not asking for anything the government team doesn’t already know how to do.” He said that he wanted him to act quickly and give priority to the area near the Avenida del Mediterraneo which has been totally neglected by the rest of the city.