– the Trump can avoid this constitutional crisis. He has sufficient resources without a national emergency, he can build a wall with the funds that congress has already approved and thus avoiding a dangerous precedent, ” said Alexander to the press on Thursday.

Read more: ”I have the full right to issue a state of emergency”

declare a national emergency encountered immediately on the patrol and is the subject of numerous lawsuits in the federal courts. Never before in U.S. history has a president had run over a congress by invoking the need, and that it would move if such a location at the border lack of support.

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Alexander’s voice would the Democrats with the independent senators to get 51 votes in the house of lords. In addition to the three that already said that they go on the opponents line – Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, and John Cornyn – have closer to ten to said that they are keen to stop the president’s way to shake up funding.

Read more: Fierce criticism of the Trumps national emergency

President – elect can get a lot more money than what he asked for, without imposing the constitution on its head. I am very, very skeptical about the precedent that this would create, ” says an anonymous republican senator to Politico – a comment voiced in similar terms by several other conservatives hold.

Read more: little support for Trump’s drastic solution

for is in a future with a democratic president, that if Trump would get to do what he wants it would mean that a successor may proclaim a state of emergency, for example, the climate crisis or the US’s extensive problems with opioids. The wall against Mexico is certainly Trumps the most prestigious election promise and he has already closed the state apparatus 35 in the days in an attempt to get through it, but the question is whether he is prepared to risk a division in their own ranks in this way.

Read more: From the great wall to the Trumps wall against Mexico: Gränsmurar never works

Lots of critics from both the left and the right have pointed out that a wall is both expensive and ineffective in relation to the cited problems. Illegal immigration has also declined in many years and that supply is made to the overwhelming majority at the formal border crossing points.

Martin Gelin: Sign of political weakness, not strength

waited for over two years to launch this state of emergency is a further argument for the disaster is not real. In addition, in connection with the news, he pointed out that he didn’t have to do it ”but I would rather do it much faster” than going the regular way through congress – something that his staff had to try to reinterpret for it not to be for ammunition in the upcoming judicial processes.