the COURT IN LYNGBY, denmark (Ekstra Bladet): A 52-year-old man accused of serious rapes is refusing that he did the niece, of which he is accused of assault against while she was a child.

According to the niecens explanation to the police began the crackdown against her when she was four. The accused shall, according to the victim have completed the first sexual intercourse with her when she was six years old.

It was a long therapy processes, which in January 2018, led to søren kierkegaard’s niece, in consultation with his mother notified his uncle to the police for the rapes committed over 20 years.

the Crackdown began, according to the charges in 1983, when søren kierkegaard’s niece, was four and his uncle 16 years.

The 52-year-old rejects the pure charges and tells that he lived in Switzerland in the period in which the alleged abuse during the victim’s childhood would have taken place.

– So should my penis be 1600 kilometers long, and it is not, he says from the witness box.

The defendants acknowledge in return that he in 1996 had a sexual relationship with søren kierkegaard’s niece, when he was 17 years old and he was 30.

There was, according to the defendants talking about a voluntary relationship.

the Situation was then, according to the defendants awkward, and they agreed to keep quiet about the relationship.

søren kierkegaard’s niece, have the police explained that there was talk of a rape, and that the accused also forced her to eat his own vomit.

This reject the defendants as a falsehood.

in addition to the ratio in 1996 was the accused, at his own explanation again along with søren kierkegaard’s niece, in 2003.

According to his explanation, the claim søren kierkegaard’s niece, that she had been raped, since she has been in love with the uncle.

the accused The 52-year-old asked in the first place, even if the word, when he shortly after at 13 took a seat in the witness box. Here, he stated that he is exposed to a number of false accusations.

in addition to the rapes of søren kierkegaard’s niece, is he indicted for the rapes committed against three other women – a former tenant in his apartment, an ex-girlfriend and a woman on a boat.

The last fact in the indictment is from may of last year.

the Judge halted the defendants and explained to him that he gets the opportunity to say something at an earlier time, but that he first must answer the prosecutor’s questions.

Then read the prosecutor Christina Schønsted high from the explanation given by the now defendants gave in connection with a grundlovsforhør last year.

Then came the explanation that the 52-year-old often came in his sister’s home and took care of søren kierkegaard’s niece. This he rejects in the day, as he also explains that he was in shock, when he last year was questioned and constructed in grundlovsforhør.

He can therefore not remember what time he explained.

the 112 – 3. apr. 2019 – at. 10:07 52-year-old accused: Raped niece, tenant, lover and woman in the boat

The 52-year-defender, Poul Hauch Fenger, required at the beginning of the hearing, three out of the four conditions rejected with reference to the ukonkrete.

the district Court, however, decided that the indictment is specific enough to nævningesagen can continue as scheduled.

the Defender kærede immediately the order.