The UN have put together a Plan in order for corporations to raw materials import to decent Standards. The should implement, but about How the policy argues.

electricity from German power outlets are also partly with Colombian coal is produced. “Blood coal” is the says the Colombian attorney Rosa Maria Mateus on the phone. She represents the people in one of the largest coal areas of the earth removal – the mine of El Cerrejón:

“The responsibility of this company is huge! You buy finally, coal, which is stained with the blood and tears of the municipalities here. The people suffer from diseases that can not cure.”

Whole villages had to make way for the opencast mines. Those who remained, has today struggling with the consequences of massive environmental destruction. So gigantic clouds of dust generated by the blasting.

The work in the mine, El Cerrejón has often damage the health.

“blood coal” also goes to Germany

German power companies such as STEAG buy coal from the controversial mine, El Cerrejón. On NDR-demand, the group said, to insist that suppliers comply with local Standards: “To Check STEAG relies on the direct contact to most of the suppliers and mines.”

Germany’s third largest energy supplier EnBW said to have 2018 no deliveries from El Correjón get.

trade secrets and bureaucracy

critics: In Germany, there is still not a binding law, the company for the choice of their suppliers abroad in the duty takes. Coal, copper, cobalt, German companies do not even have to specify once which suppliers they source their raw materials. Business secret to a lot of bureaucracy – so are the arguments.

The so-called National action plan (NAP) should implement the change, and the UN guiding principles for human rights and ecological Standards in Germany. However, the threatens to remain toothless, feared not only Uwe Kekeritz, development policy speaker of the Greens in the Bundestag:

“The ministries are arguing with each other: The one, in particular, the Ministry of economy say that we are a burden on the company to strong. The Ministry of foreign Affairs and the Ministry of development to say, we now need clear results and progress. And because the are not in agreement, is this Monitoring process.”

STEAG refers to coal from Colombia