Up to the present the INF Treaty as one of the most significant disarmament treaties in the world. The US plan now, apparently, the agreement with Russia to terminate. Questions and answers about the meaning of the contract.


What is the significance of the INF Treaty at the time of its emergence?

8. December 1987 US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev in the White house in Washington, signed the so-called INF Treaty. The abbreviation ‘ INF ‘ stands for “Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces,” – nuclear medium-range weapons.

After decades of the Cold war, the agreement was considered a milestone. Since it ended a time of the nuclear arms race between East and West.

Up to today, the INF Treaty is considered to be one of the most significant disarmament treaties in the world and as an important pillar for security in Europe.

What is the INF Treaty?
tagesschau24 11:00 PM, 25.01.2019, Wibke Harms

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