A member of the fitnesskæden Rate is tested positive for the coronavirus.
The people have been in the Rate Blox-center in Copenhagen on Sunday 14. June between 16.30-19.30, write the Rate in a text message to the members.
In the text message calls, Rate its members to be tested if they have been in the actual center in the same time period.
‘We are launching now extra cleaning throughout the centre in addition to the already enhanced rengøringsrutiner. Rate very much regret the inconvenience it may cause’, write Rate, among other things.
For Extra Magazine tells the press officer Malin Selander, however, it is unknown whether the person was infected at the time the member was in the centre.
– Let me emphasise clearly that it is not found that the person was infected, then the person was with us. We take many precautions in order to avoid the spread of a possible infection. We can see who is in our center, and it allows us to quickly identify who has been there, she says and elaborates:
– We act responsibly here. We contacted the Board and informed the members that visited us during the same time period.
This text is sent to Rate members. Private