“Ingrid, 69, went with lungpropp – in half a year”

“Thought the symptoms were due to stress and the summer heat”

“Ingrid de Laval, 69, felt unusually breathless and tired, but did not seek care at six months.”

“she had blood clots in both lungs.”

” I had been able to die. The plugs were not fresh exactly, ” she says.”

“Ingrid de Laval, 69, is a theater producer and arrange together with her husband Jan de Laval tours all over Sweden. They have worked with famous artists and singer Lill Lindfors, Harriet Andersson, Inger Nilsson, Meg Westergren, Allan Svensson and Mia Poppe.”

“It was in may last year, when Ingrid was preparing a summer show, as she began to feel unusually tired and flåsig.”

“Ingrid, who daily used to walk two hours with her dog Lucke, 7, became out of breath just to move and could no longer walk up the stairs.”

” I was heavy to breathe and it was not over. I could barely talk on the phone, ” says Ingrid de Laval.”

“But it was the heat, the burning heat that lasted all summer.”

” I thought it was due to the heat. I blamed it on the heat, the stress – everything, except that I could be sick, ” she says at home the apartment in Stockholm.”

“Ingrid has never been afraid to pitch in. She was the tour manager, stage mechanics, and did everything: clothing, decor, props.”

“It was very stressful,” she says.”

“It was in July, during a folkparkskväll in Ingatorp with Lill Lindfors, which nIngrid realized something was wrong. All together would sing on the stage at the end.”

“– But I didn’t get from me anything, not a sound. I was about to faint.”

“Her friend, hjärtspecialisten Cecilia Linde, had long urged her to seek treatment. But Ingrid bagatelliserade their symptoms. She had not time, she thought. It was, therefore, to the autumn tour before she sought help.”

“– It was hell. In the end it went just not.”

“She took him to the hospital, where she underwent ct scan, ultrasound and blood tests.”

“– it All went so terribly fast. It took not more than half an hour, so, the doctor came and said, ”You have two large blood clots in the lungs, one in each lung.” He said it had been able to go bad, ” says Ingrid de Laval.”

“She got blood thinners, and noticed immediately the difference.”

“– Already the second day, I felt fresh and started to go to kulvertarna.”

“She was given anticoagulants as she takes on a daily basis.”

“After only five days, she began to work again.”

“– I felt fine, and was almost high, and I could suddenly breathe.”

“In October, the show’s premiere. Everything went well, a short period of time. But when Ingrid would step up a steep spriraltrappa with a 30 kilo heavy box she had to call for help.”

“New journey to the hospital, this time in Karlstad.”

“– the Doctor said, ”you’re not really wise? No woman of your age to do that kind of work, go on tour, pull cables”, says Ingrid.”

“– But I’m dutiful, I couldn’t switch me out.”

“But so it was. And actress Sanna Ekman took over her duties.”

“Myself, she went home, laid in bed and slept.”

“– Then I felt that I was very tired and very sick.”

“since Then makes Ingrid just desk work. The firm gets the rest. Physically feel she is good, but not mentally.”

“– I still feel the discomfort. It has actually started to crawl on me that I had been able to die, ” says Ingrid de Laval.”

” I have been very unstable. I have had crying spells, I am so happy otherwise.”

“Why hit Ingrid, were there any risk factors?”

“the Doctors have said that it is partly age, partly being overweight,” she says.”

“And so it is the stress, which she believes has contributed.”

” I have worked more than most. It is also very difficult to be a close relative to someone who is seriously ill.”

“three years ago, suffered her husband to a stroke and was halvsidesförlamad.”

“He has recovered and can now walk again. But Ingrid was a long time alone to take care of him, the dog, the floor, the summer house and the garden, while she worked.”

“then, itself became life-threatening ill have shaken her.”

“– You are so alone when you are ill. Everyone is asking if they can help. But you are alone when faced with the disease, ” says Ingrid de Laval.”