In the Land of Brandenburg, want to environmental groups before the state election on 1. September a people’s initiative “Save the bees!” according to the Bavarian model start. The affirmed Friedhelm Schmitz-Jersch, country Manager of nature conservation Association, and FEDERAL-managing Director, Axel Kruschat to the daily mirror according to a non-public “insect summit” on Monday.

To Meet Agriculture and environment Minister Jörg Vogelsänger (SPD) charged representatives of local authorities, land users, and environmental organizations. Bird singer announced a “insect protection program,” specifically: a new Directive for the promotion of field margins and flower strips.

The environmental organizations that is not enough. “We have just witnessed in this legislature, as in Brandenburg nature conservation is permanently disregarded,” said Nabu CEO Friedhelm Schmitz-Jersch, of the used to be a once-a-SPD-environmental Secretary of state in Brandenburg. The popular initiative will be launched “before or after Easter”.

In Bavaria, had

here it was sorely needed. Bayern have shown that there was a need for a people’s initiative to make a difference. There, desire it had signed a bees-people within two weeks of 1.7 million people. Only then, say the environmental groups, was also startled in Brandenburg, the government. So Nabu and the FEDERAL bird singer did not take the advertised flowering strips program.

“It has been, until recently, by the Minister and his Secretary of state, bone hard fight,” said Schmitz-Jersch. “To me every confidence in the Minister of agriculture and this government, that you are really serious about it missing now,” said Kruschat, and recalled that in 2014, the Brandenburg species protection program. “You would have implemented it, there would be no insects summit.” Necessary fundamental changes in the agricultural policy.

bird singers, in turn, pointed out in a press clarification, the fact that agriculture is “highly dependent on the pollination of crops by insects,” and therefore “part of the solution”. According to him, are to be developed in four working groups, under the leadership of the Leibniz-centre for agricultural landscape research e. V. müncheberg, as the academic Partner, up to the end of the year, the first recommendations for action. The environmental policy spokesman for the SPD in the state Parliament, Wolfgang Roick, welcomed the “ongoing dialogue process”.

The farmers ‘ Union denies responsibility on the insects to die

Some of the Brandenburg land users and organic farming associations also want to bring a popular initiative for the protection of species, for their support, the CDU-Chef Ingo said Senftleben. “The protection of insects, such as bees and other pollinators, is important,” he said. “But those who want to protect from insects, must not demonize people.” Insect protection requires a broad consensus and not a unilateral blame game, alone in the direction of agriculture.

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state elections in Brandenburg, As the parties for the election are set

Thorsten Metzner

Brandenburg farmers ‘ Union, representing small family businesses, denied die responsibility of agriculture in Insects.