A møgsur smiley and a fine of 10,000 dkr.

It was the result of According to the premises of the supermarket Aldi at Lerbæk Square in Køge 21. January.

‘All of the cabinets in the enterprise emerges with the massive jammed coatings of ice. In the ice is frozen dirt, cardboard and raw materials. In kødkøler about the chicken is dried, afdryppede splotches of juice. On frostkølere under the shelves is a massive layer of dust’, write the reviewers in their report from the visit.

the Report will also describe the bake-off area which is oily and dirty with massive accumulations of dirt and crumbs.

And it continues:

‘By pizzaområde appears hill with the shrivelled remnants of ketchup on the edge. Floor in the shop and on the stock appears generally dirty and black. Cabinets in stock appear with dirt. Shelves in the store and in the coolers appear with dust and dried remnants of fluids. There is a dead bee behind the food in the cooler, and there is a spider in the edge’.

According to the report, they had employees in the store the following, taciturn comment to the massive problems with the cleaning.

– We are aware of it.

in Addition to the horrible cleaning of the store there is also criticism of the access to wash basins for staff.

At Aldi has been very red over the critical report.

– It is totally unacceptable. We can in no way live with it, says the immediate response to the criticism of the conditions in the store in Køge from Thomas Bang, deputy director of CSR, Marketing and Communications at Aldi.

– It is a rather massive criticism In here of the Fda, which indicates that there is not just talking about a simple oversight. Customers can feel confident shopping with you?

– As I said, it is totally unacceptable to us. It is absolutely crucial to us that our customers can rely on that the situation is in order. And, I also believe that they can. Not just in this store, but in all of our stores.

– Why is it gone so wrong?

– One of the reasons is that the store in a period of time has been understaffed. There has among other things been a store manager since October, but of course it should not be any excuse that it has looked like this since the Fda came by.

– What do you do to remedy the situation?

– We have used a lot of resources to remedy the situation. Among other things, we have got employed a new store manager, who has already scored so much in control of things, that I am completely convinced that there will not be anything to come after, when the Fda comes on the follow-up inspection.

the Visit occurred against the backdrop of a dissatisfied customer who had turned to the Danish veterinary and food administration.

Read also the history of the Majbritt, who found a dead rodent in a bag of potatoes from Aldi here.

Close to the Year klammeste fund: Majbritt found the dead rodent in a bag of potatoes from Aldi