The British Parliament has published internal E-Mails from Facebook managers. This is to show that the company has been to 2015 yet sensitive user data to external companies, including Airbnb, Netflix, and Lyft. Facebook had previously not claimed, to allow the for three years. the Björn Finke, London Björn Finke

Born in 1976 in Düsseldorf, Germany, studied Economics, political science and sociology at the University of Cologne and the London School of Economics and Political Science (graduated in 2002 as Master of Science in European Social Policy), then a visit to a graduate school of the University of Bremen. In addition, the Cologne journalist school for politics and Economics graduate, and since 2004 in the süddeutsche Zeitung in Munich, and since 2013, SZ-the paper’s Economics correspondent in London.

on Twitter, send an E-Mail

follow The documents collection has 250 pages of internal E-Mails from the Facebook management, presentations. At the bottom of each page, Confidential “or” Highly Confidential, confidential or strictly confidential. However, since this Wednesday, these companies internals of the American Online find network, on the website of the British Parliament. The Committee for Digital culture and media she has published. The parliamentarians will examine how the group handles personal data. And, according to Damian Collins, the Chairman of the Board, show the papers, that the Californians to protect Betticket the privacy of its users is sufficient.

on the occasion of the investigation of the scandal surrounding the now-insolvent British consultancy firm, Cambridge Analytica. The company created for customer advertising Profiles of Internet users to be able to advertising to be tailored. In Cambridge Analytica wrong received moderate access to the data of 87 million Facebook users. An App, a Mini-program that has been used by some Facebook users, collected not only the data of those, but also of their friends in the Internet network. Most of these friends had but never given their consent for this.

The E-Mails are not claimed to be evidence in a process

Facebook to allow such practices for 2015. However, the papers, the Parliament and published to show that Facebook certain undertakings for the group as a business partner, then granted access to the data of the Facebook friends of users. To include the above-mentioned companies as Airbnb, the ride-service providers Lyft, Netflix and the Dating Apps Badoo and Bumble.

The E-Mails are evidence in a court process in California. There, the developer of an App, the company Six4Three sued the group. The court ruled that the E-Mails, and presentations are meant to stay secret. However, as an employee of Six4Three last visited London, and the files had dropped in the hotel room an emissary of the Serjeant-at-Arms: This is the security officer of the lower house. The officer was able to convince the Six4Three-workers, rather have the files to hand over, because otherwise the prison threatens. A spokesperson from Facebook did not deny that the documents are authentic, but says they were taken out of context and painted a false picture.