The withdrawal of U.S. troops in Syria is the very fabric of power in the Region is crucial to change, says ARD-correspondent Hechler in -Interview. And: “The battle against the IS not yet beaten.” If the US withdraw their troops, what is the Situation, you left then in Syria?

Daniel Hechler: The Kurds will be the big losers in this game. They have fought for years side by side with the USA against the terrorist militia IS and achieved huge success in Kobane, raqqa and are currently in the battle of Hajīn. But they are also dependent on the protection of the United States. They are threatened by Turkish units in the North. In addition, President Assad has thrown an eye on the Region and announced that he would like to take back every square meter of the country, including the Kurdish area.

If the US pull off the kind of as the protection of the Kurds in power, they are on their own. You are at the mercy of the Turkish domination, but Russia and its allies.