In February 2018, it came to hospital management knowledge to a doctor at one of the hospital’s clinics have notified the anti-semitic harassment from a senior physician in the same workplace. In the background there was a clash that lasted for several years.

Several jewish doctor at the same clinic have testified that they have been subjected to anti-semitic harassment of the physician, who was previously their boss.

the Victim will, among other things, have acted to deny the jewish doctor to participate in international conferences, anti-semitic taunts such as ”here comes the judeghettot” and being stripped of opportunities to perform certain operations. The physician should also have had a bad wage growth, despite high merit.

wrote a few months after its notification to the then master kai fa Melvin Samsom, and described an internal investigation that was going on at the clinic. Internutredningen, which was run by a professor and a colleague of the alleged physician, was criticised for not being objective.

After the events have attracted media, first by Aftonbladet’s disclosure, gave the Karolinska in October, the law firm of Flood Herslow Holme is assigned to investigate the events. The hospital management has been criticized, among other things, of the Simon Wiesenthals center in Los Angeles in the united states, to have reacted too little and too late.

in the investigation that the law firm Floor Herslow Holme on Monday handed over to the hospital management: Management is criticized for not having acted enough before an external investigation panel. According to the law firm, it should have happened in march last year.

” When you look back on the hospital’s actions during the spring and summer, then you can only agree with you that we should have acted faster and more powerful. We learn of the criticisms made, ” says Annika Tibell, associate hospital director.

among other things, been accused of having divided the anti-semitic images on Facebook, which is confirmed by the investigation. At the same time found that the notifying physician has been harassed on the job, in each case in the form of the comment ”this will judeghettot”. According to the law firm, however, it has not been possible to get clarity in who made the comment.

the law Firm also believe that it is not possible to establish that the notifier has been subjected to any direct or indirect discrimination under the discrimination act. Part of the justification is that, during the course of the study revealed ”a remarkable number” who believe that they themselves have not received services at the clinic, they believe, they should have scored on the basis of ethnicity or gender, which suggests ”a fierce competition and a hard work ethic” in which many are looking for explanations as to why they do not climb in his career.

– the Conclusion that there has been discrimination with reference to the fact that there are so many others who think that they treated badly feels strange, says the lawyer Sebastian Scheiman.

the opportunity to comment on the investigation before it became public, and after having read it, he means that the law firm is not sufficiently taken into account the material that his client submitted.

With the perspective that the inquiry has, in the opinion of my trustee, it is clear that they largely purchased the managers ‘view of what happened,” says Sebastian Scheiman.

the law Firm has in addition to the notifying the physician interviewed 70 people, most with ties to the clinic.

of the discrimination ombudsman, DO, for the hospital’s handling of the case. As an effect of the events has a theme-the boss resigned, and a senior manager has taken time-out from the device, which the DN previously told.

Against the background of what has happened, ended up in the hospital on Simon Wiesenthals list of the year’s worst anti-semitic events in the world in 2018.

Even the chambers of physicians at Karolinska has been reported to the discrimination Ombudsman, for not having given the harassed member sufficient support.

for not acting more forcefully when the notification was received, “says Annika Tibell:

” We need to improve our procedures in this area. It is important when we are to be credible when we now underline our zero tolerance policy against harassment and discrimination. It is important that the employees feel that there are things that happen when you register.

Tibell points out that the inquiry raises a number of inappropriate the opinions expressed on the audited entity, and which may be perceived as harassment.

” we will not tolerate this type of behavior, but that it is documented and the manager is acting and to receive support to do this. It can also be about courage, that we do not stillastigande see such things happen.

It has in several contexts, including in the context Macchiarini affair, as well as in the management of the cancerköer that occurred in the summer of 2017, lifted to the, Karolinska is a widespread tystnadskultur.

” I have been at Karolinska for over 30 years. I know that there are reports and indication of a tystnadskultur on some devices, but I do not think that you shall judge the whole Karolinska after this. But it is important that we take hold of that type of culture by encouraging a dialogue that must be present in the organization.

the measures the hospital has taken outside of the investigation, including by expressing a zero tolerance policy against discrimination and harassment, and through lectures and training courses for hospital managers.

During the week, the notifier must, a jewish doctor at one of the hospital’s clinics, through its agent, will have to speak about the investigation and possibly come up with kompletteranden basis.