– The most rewarding part of my job is to see the broken dogs that come in – who does not dare to look at a or not dare to be stroked – and then see their progress. To see them, which in the end will be like a completely different dog a home. They change very quickly when you are friendly and kind to them, ” says Jenny Lindahl.

She is the stable manager and has worked on Hundstallet in nearly thirty years. Hundstallet are for is to help and find new homes for dogs that are taken care of by the police or the County administrative board of Stockholm, the dogs that for various reasons can not be left in their original home.

staying at the Hundstallet is Freya, a Siberian husky who came to the stables at the beginning of the summer after her owner passed away. Jenny Lindahl opens the door to Freya’s room in the stable. There is a lively dog with one brown and one blue eye.

– She is very cheerful and resourceful. She likes to tear out the lint out of every toy she gets hold of, ” says Jenny Lindahl.

Jenny Lindahl. Photo: Mickan Palmqvist

the Reasons why dogs end up on the house is different. Everything from disease, or death of the owner, that the dog might have behaved in an undesirable way and bitten another dog or a human.

for relocation vary, ranging from five dogs on a day-to-weeks between sessions, ” says Jenny Lindahl. She has in her years seen many cases where dogs become neglected and go bad.

” many years ago we received 147 Yorkshire terrier from one and the same place. Where it had been derailed. The dogs were completely unfamiliar with the people and there were those who had curlers who latched onto the coat that the owner had put them out several years earlier, ” says Jenny Lindahl.

After christmas notice hundskötarna to more dogs in need of new home. It happens that a parents buy a dog to give away as a christmas gift to their children without thinking through what needs the dog has and what commitment it requires.

– We have no exact number on that it increases, however, we notice it when people call here and want to help with the relocation of their dog. It is not right after christmas, but it is later when the puppies have grown up. Individuals can call and say ”my son got a dog for christmas and he can’t be bothered with it anymore” or maybe ”we bought a puppy as a christmas gift for our daughter and she has got tired”. You also see if you look at the ads that there are more dogs that are for sale period after christmas, and it can stand in the ad that ”we would not have chosen to buy a dog but it was the child who wanted to”, says Jenny Lindahl.

should be an adult who is responsible and willing to take care of a new family member.

” We do not think that one should add over the responsibility to the children. Some say ”But my child who is ten years go home and take a break every day”. We then intend to, how fun is it for the child? That you can never hang out with friends and always have to take care of the dog. What happens then if they get tired? Should they then have the requirement for in the sixteen years to come?

She also sees a problem that people often choose a dog according to appearance, for example, they see an advertisement on a Siberian husky, Thor, and falls for the ice-blue eyes.

” It’s very beautiful dogs, but you should have thought through before you get such a race. There are no dogs who likes to be alone, for long periods, they are often very habitual animals. They howl when they are home alone, they bite like to break things. Now I am not saying that all are so, but you must keep in mind that they are bred to be able to run mile after mile, and think about whether you have the time and energy to give the dog what it needs, ” says Jenny Lindahl.

the Dog Freja. Photo: Mickan Palmqvist

and consider that there are high requirements to get to buy a dog from Hundstallet. In particular ensamtiden as they sat on a maximum of four hours can people think sounds strictly, ” she says. But she thinks that they must have high requirements, both for the dog’s sake and they don’t want to let go of a dog they are not sure that it will fit in their new home.

Freya is a dog. She is ready for a new owner, but is somewhat difficult to place. A Siberian husky have a lot of energy that the new owner must be able to deal with.

– Some dogs can get lots of expressions of interest, up to 150-200 stakeholders at a litter of puppies for example. While Freya gets less, she didn’t have a lot to choose from but there are a few, significantly during the 20 I would say.

most of the dogs get to celebrate in one of the jourhemmen available, so that they may be in a home environment. Freya shall during the christmas season get to go to a foster home. The dogs that are left over christmas to get extra a lot of love, plenty to eat and long walks.

” We tend to make sure even they get to enjoy the christmas season with a little extra-luxury food, like meatballs and liver pate. So they get extra love, ” says Jenny Lindahl.