When I see these clips I’m glad no one was seriously injured. I appreciate vognførernes responsiveness and handling of the incident, ” says René Molijn the ultimate in Keolis, to Dagbladet.

Operator Keolis operates The light rail in Bergen. Overvåkningsbilder from the firm shows several situations in which it is right before it goes completely wrong too little observant of pedestrians and cyclists.

the Case was first featured in The new york times.

the Clips shows, among other things, that a teenager, who is trying to cross the track to the light rail is being hit. The person comes away from the incident with the lighter injuries. Another person on a bike crossing the track in the light rail comes. The light rail makes an emergency brake to avoid a collision, but the cyclist bikes on as if nothing has happened.

Bilisten is a few metres away from the crash with a helicopter

another person crosses your path at red lights, but turns and runs back again right before The light rail crosses the transition. All that is shown on the overvåkningsbildene come away from the events. Some of them have just gotten easier damage.

Prepared for the possible danger

– We use the clips for the training of the vognførere in Keolis. They receive training in reading the traffic situation and detect possible danger. Most dangerous situations occur when people are busy with your phone or generally distracted by traffic, ” says Molijn.

In 2018 rode The light rail well over 2,000,000 miles.

We were only involved in 5 traffic incidents with pedestrians. These figures are among the lowest in the world, but we are working continuously to bring down the number of accidents, ” he says.

– Many near misses Here recognize the passenger in the self-driving car that it goes wrong

Also in Oslo, there is a problem that people are uoppmerksomme in traffic.

– There are many near misses, especially when it comes to tram. Where it is, unfortunately, almost too many, says communications manager at Sporveien Cato Asperud to the Newspaper.

He tells us that very many, for example, are little aware of the traffic when they go with music on the ears.

– Trikkeførerne has over the years developed an extra sense when it comes to see the traffic situation and people’s gangmønster, says Asperud.

He also says that people often are poor to relate to the barriers at the T-baneoverganger.

Exposed the children to danger

– The grelleste example I have ever seen was a nursery school on a trip at a station on Holmenkollbanen for around four years ago. The boom had gone down, but the adults opened the boom and piloted the children over the line to reach another T-path, say Asperud.

He emphasizes that there is a reason that the barriers at the Metro goes down.

the Barriers are designed so that the outer joint is movable. The reason for this is that one should be able to get out if you have been unfortunate and ended up within, but there are examples of people go through it even if it is down. It’s the kind of thing that creates near misses and in some cases accidents. It can also come ekstratog or arbeidsvogner and it is not notified in the Glass app, ” he says.

Here is the crash seconds away, “one of history’s worst flykatastrofer”