“”It is contempt for human life” ”

“Scientists: Many addicts relapse after treatment.”

“It’s when you get home that the hard part begins.”

“Research shows that many alcoholics relapse after completion of treatment. And often followed it up enough how they feel.”

“– It’s about total ignorance or that they do not care about these people, ” says Thomas Barrögård Fahlquist, IOGT-NTO. “

“Many alcoholics become sober in a treatment home or in residential care. But it is when to pass himself as the relapse. Often there is a lack of the so-called follow-up, the help you should get in his new life. “

“–If someone has been abused for 40 years, it is naive to think that we are going to fix everything by myself after eight weeks of treatment or longer period of time in a residential care. It is contempt for human life, ” says Ann-Mari Wulfstrand-Bylin, chairman of the non-profit organization Verdandis’s alcohol policy group.”

“According to their and other ngos experience, it is easy to fall there again when you lose the community with other addicts, and do not get enough support from the care and social services. “

“Research shows that the tvångsvårdats for his alcoholism more often relapse afterwards. Also the risk of dying as a result of the abuse increases when one has been discharged from care and shall stay in a private apartment. “

“– You know that it is a difficult stage, when you come home, ” says Jessica Storbjörk, an associate professor in the Department of public health sciences at Stockholm university.”

“She did, together with colleagues in a study where they followed up 1600 drug users in Stockholm in the early 2000’s. Eight years later showed that those who had to stay in different kinds of stödboenden had a lower risk of dying. Among those who had their own apartment and may be considered to have become strong enough to withstand an independent life ended, however, it is more often bad.”

” Everyone is aware of the problems, within the social services also. You would like to see that boendestödjare could come home to the person each day after discharge, but it is so tight, there are many that should be visited, ” says Jessica Storbjörk.”

“Many see need for more resources, but substance abuse is rarely a priority in municipalities and county councils. It is not directly a väljarvinnare – to bet on alkisar. “

“Often get volunteers in. “

“Verdandi and nykterhetsförbundet IOGT-NTO offer support group which is where large portions of the day and for many years after they left care. It is a lifelong work, not to relapse, mean man. “

“– these people need cherished of love and trusting relationships. You can’t just move them in anyway, it can lead to sky-high anxiety and that you fall into the old pattern again, ” says Thomas Barrögård Falhquist, director of a treatment center run by the IOGT-NTO. “

“The one who starts to drink again can often feel shame and are not of themselves of their own accord to the social services, but to isolate herself even more. According to Ann-Mari Wulfstrand-Bylin from Verdandi is loneliness a risk factor. “

“– Many are very isolated, and then you are fragile. Often messes around there at night. It is then the anxiety will. “

“✓ 2017 died about 1900 people on the basis of alcohol-related diagnoses, such as liver disease, alcohol poisoning, alcoholism, or psychosis. Most of them were men. “

“✓ But in the figure includes, for example, not accidents, or cancers where alcohol is a strong contributing factor. “

“✓ Approximately 6 per cent of swedes are addicted or dependent on alcohol. “

“✓ at Least 60 000 children in Sweden under the age of 18 have a parent with serious substance abuse problems that they have been entered for the inpatient substance abuse treatment. “

“Sources: the national Board of health, CAN, Systembolaget, Folkhälsomyndigheten”