Focus on site energy consumption, use of recyclable materials and a healthy indoor climate in the finished building.

the Demand increases on construction that are thinking sustainably from the beginning to the end, but nonetheless feel many of the artisans are not, that they know enough about the subject.

It shows a recent study by Danish craftsmen relation to sustainability, as byggemarkedskæden Stark has made among the artisans from the small and medium-sized craft enterprises.

In the survey, 1843 surveyed craftsmen from all over the country among other things, the answer to whether they were willing to pay more for sustainable materials, and how they keep abreast within the area.

Although 60 percent respond that they are in favour of sustainable construction, is the equivalent 64,8 percent at the same time, that they do not feel they have sufficient knowledge about which materials are sustainable. It writes BygTek.

The lack of knowledge about sustainable construction can be a contributory cause to that just 7.7 percent of the builders in the survey say they always or often advise clients on sustainability.

We have therefore grabbed the microphone and asked three Danish craftsmen, how to according to them can raise awareness for sustainable construction something more.

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Dennis Bisgaard K. Jensen

– What do you think about sustainable construction? the
– In my world, there are many who say that the building is sustainable, but when it comes to the crunch, they don’t do it in practice. It is easy to say, if you don’t have to prove it.

– Are you willing to pay more for sustainable materials?
– It is more up to customers, whether they are willing to pay more for, that the materials are sustainable.

– If the customer wants sustainable materials, so they get it, but often they end up with compromising, because in the end it becomes more expensive for them.

– What can you do to spread the sustainable building?
– So is there any who will need to take the lead and show others how it can be done. It is not enough just addressing sustainable building, it must be practiced and also highlights the purely visual, so others can be inspired.

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Casper Mølgaard Larsen

– What do you think about sustainable construction?
– I think it’s a really nice thing that you are trying to do something on the front. There are many that can learn from, including myself.

– It is not always that you just get thought the bæredygtigere solutions into the plan, sometimes because it can’t be done, but we must be better to think of them at the beginning of the construction.

– Are you willing to pay more for sustainable materials?
– As a bricklayer it’s not me, but the customer, who is going to pay the extra for the sustainable use of materials.

– thus, It is the customer alone who determines, but here we could well be better to guide the more in the field of sustainable materials, so the customer choose them over the alternative.

– What can you do to spread the sustainable building?

– It is difficult to answer, for it is the whole industry, all the way around, there must be promise in the bunch. It is not only the builders, who are also the architects, the suppliers and the customers.

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Henriette Mørup Sørensen

– What do you think about sustainable construction?
– I think quite clearly, that it makes sense that there will be more of it. But sustainability is a broad concept, and I can well understand that the builders are confused.

– For me is sustainable construction is also about to build locally and use local craftsmen, for it is not sustainable, that they come from afar, even if they are running in the electric car.

– Are you willing to pay more for sustainable materials?
– It is I, but I think it is a major problem that I can not get rid of all the plastic packaging. I refuse to actually take it out of the byggehandlen.

– at the same time, more as being in it daily. In the past it was klæberspandene square so they could be used for rullespand, when they were empty. Now, the manufacturers have made the shape, because rullespandene suddenly not sold. It will say that I am now forced to buy new buckets instead of to reuse. It is pure idiocy.

– What can you do to spread the sustainable building?
– For a start you need to define and find out what sustainable building is. For if you build a wooden house here in Denmark, which is good for the environment and sustainable action, but use wood from a land of drought, I will not say that it is sustainable.

– We will have to think about the big picture, and so I think that the producers should think about the fact that the destroyers with all the packaging for us who want to be sustainable in the future.