Still, hardly anyone knows Ioannis Sakkaros, 26 years young, Greek, mechatronics engineer at Porsche, political, Status: angry. But that could soon change. Almost without the help of Sakkaros in Stuttgart has lodged a protest movement against diesel driving bans on the legs, on the last Saturday 1200 people came already. Your identification mark: yellow West. Sakkaros’ followers see in the young worker, already the leader of a German yellow-West movement based on the French model.

In any German city, so many people are affected by driving bans such as in Stuttgart. 80’000, the from 1 are. April, with its old diesel engines in the city are allowed to drive. At the same time, Stuttgart is a Mercedes and Porsche car high castle. Sakkaros’ Diesel is 14 years old, “not a Porsche”, and the view, to be able to see him soon in the city, revolted him. “Green out!”, screaming his followers now on the Demos, “Always on the Little ones!” or “Pro Diesel – no expropriation”.

do you want to be impartial

Sakkaros now has new problems. He wants to prevent his movement is hijacked by the AfD, the FDP, the left party or the trade unions. “We want to remain an impartial citizens’ movement,” he says. The fact he tries to emulate the “gilets jaunes”.

The anger of many motorists has taut last updated continually. Meanwhile, a real clash of cultures is raging in the young, environmentally-conscious city-dwellers, and millions of commuters and simple Workers, whose professional existence is often on the car.

As in France it is not in Germany, especially the “little people”, the rebel, because you suspect wrongly, politics and the auto industry from deceiving their failure on your back. Particularly furious, she makes the diesel Scam the auto companies, in whose management the government is spared the industry almost entirely, and the cost to the car owners to shift. The not now need to see how your old Diesel will be worthless in a dozen German cities, you will be punished, even banned still driving. Also, since the failure is in politics and industry, not in the case of the diesel drivers.

The speed limit was in Germany, so far, a sacred cow.

Many of the automobilists to bring it to that anywhere in Europe to comply with the limits as aggressively enforced as it is in Germany. Many give so willingly of the lungs doctors Believe the claim that the limits are still much too high, and for the health in any case unnecessary. Transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) took the steep template the same, and promised to leave the check values. Environment Minister Svenja Schulze (SPD), in turn, advance appalled by Scheuers.

The recent demands for the Autoland were calculated from Scheuers office. In order to protect safety and the environment, called its own expert in an internal paper a speed limit on motorways and considerably higher fuel prices. Above all, the speed limit was in Germany, so far, a sacred cow. “Free travel for free citizens” was the legendary motto of the automobile Association ADAC.

Like the weapons of madness

Today, however, more and more commentators believe that the “right to full throttle” for a “German Obsession”, which no other developed country in the world, more needs to be comparable with the American madness, freedom to Carry a firearm. Scheuer called, however, the demands of his experts immediately, “against all sense” and said their appearance.

in France, Too, had inflamed the revolt of the yellow West at a Ökoabgabe on fuel and was then a protest movement swelled, the government is seriously threatened. According to nervous you look in Berlin, now on the displeasure, the bride-to-be in Stuttgart and elsewhere. In case of doubt, the CDU/CSU and SPD in the past were always on the side of the car industry and motorists. Now, however, they are beset by emerging Green.

The government parties CDU/CSU and the SPD know that the ecological energy should now be followed by finally, a shift in Traffic. Until March, the transport Minister Scheuer has to introduce a catalogue of Measures that reduces greenhouse gas emissions in transport by 2030 by 40 percent. It starts so may be just getting started with the unreasonable demands for motorists. And Ioannis Sakkaros’ chances to be famous, to rise.

France yellow West, the pace is more important than the accident statistics

The number of road deaths in France in 2018, compared to the previous year dropped significantly. 3259 people came in 2018 in the Road claimed the lives of, 245 less than in 2017. In addition, the number of injured fell by 25 percent. From 2014 to 2016, the number of traffic increased dead three years in a row.

The new values are now not only a good news for all car – and cyclists, but also for Prime Minister Edouard Philippe. As he presented the Figures on Monday, he spoke of a “historic low”, he led back to one since July of 2018, the applicable speed limit. “There was never so little Deaths on France’s roads,” said Philippe. He was “proud of the historic Figures”.

On the country roads you are allowed to drive only 80 instead of 90 km/h. This regulation applies to all two-lane roads without median strip. These make up only 40 percent of the French road network, on 55 percent of the fatal accidents occur, however.

Premier likes to be unpopular

The speed limit had taken care of since its announcement in January 2018 for resentment among car drivers ‘ associations and local politicians. The Association “40 million motorists” denies the connection between the speed limit and the decline of the dead. One must also take into account the condition of the roads and of the vehicles. Premier Philippe responded in the summer, stoic to the allegations: “When you must make unpopular, in order to save lives, then I’ll take that.”

the protests of The so-called yellow the West, and since November of 2018 weekly tens of thousands on the road, have led to a renewed discussion of the speed limit. The re-introduction of the 90 km/h on country roads is one of the popular claims of the “gilets jaunes”. In the context of the protests, according to Figures from the interior Ministry, 60 percent of the radar were to fall to France’s country roads destroyed.

unlike Premier Philippe, the President of France Emmanuel Macron does not seem to depend on the adopted speed limit. Already last spring, he had said, that one must evaluate to a two-year test phase, whether the 80-kilometer scheme, the roads would actually be safer. In the framework of the “grand débat”, which is to lead the government out of the crisis, said Macron two weeks ago to the mayors in Normandy that also the speed control “up for debate”. Philippe noticed on Monday that it was “legitimate to discuss the scheme.”

In a survey conducted by the Harris polling Institute, 82 percent of the French said that they expected that the government, the new speed limit is to fill the state Treasury. 76 percent said in an Axa survey said that they were opposed to a restriction to 80 km/h.
Nadia Pantel, Paris

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 28.01.2019, 18:31 PM