Some senators from the Democratic Party (PD, center-left) briefly unfurled during the vote a banner in the hemicycle, on which was written: “No to a homophobic and pro-Putin president”.

His election reflects the result of the legislative elections of September 25, which saw the victory of the conservative coalition bringing together the post-fascist party Fratelli d’Italia of Giorgia Meloni – probable future Prime Minister – the League of Matteo Salvini and Forza Italia of Silvio Berlusconi .

Thursday, a close friend of Mrs. Meloni, Ignazio La Russa, co-founder of Fratelli d’Italia who cut his political teeth within the neo-fascist movement, was elected to the presidency of the Senate, becoming the second character of the State after the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.

Between the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies we are witnessing “a competition of extremism”, castigated the number 2 of the PD Peppe Provenzano.

The left-wing daily La Repubblica summarized the curriculum vitae of Lorenzo Fontana, 42, on Friday as follows: he “recites fifty Ave Marias a day”, promotes “the restriction of the right to abortion”, is “hostile to gay marriage, to euthanasia and the multicultural society” and married under the ministry of a traditionalist priest.

The association for the defense of the rights of sexual minorities Arcigay expressed Friday “its great perplexity”. “Fontana has always held Putin’s Russia as a cultural and political model,” said its secretary general, Gabriele Piazzoni, in a statement.

– Tensions in the majority –

Lorenzo Fontana has repeatedly expressed his admiration for the Russian president and condemned the sanctions against Moscow before correcting the situation. In 2016, he supported Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.

He passes for the one who took a Eurosceptic and national turn in the Northern League, originally regionalist, and orchestrated the rapprochement with the National Rally of Marine Le Pen in France, the two formations sitting together in the European Parliament within the Identity group and Democracy.

Former Minister for the Family (2018-2019), he graduated in political science, history and philosophy.

Thursday’s election of Ignazio La Russa to the Senate brought to light the strong tensions within the right-wing / far-right coalition around the distribution of ministerial portfolios.

Only two senators from Forza Italia out of 18, including Silvio Berlusconi, voted for La Russa, the others shunning the ballot. The tycoon explained in a press release that they were reacting to the “vetoes” put by Giorgia Meloni on the candidacy of party personalities to enter the government.

This is in particular the case of Licia Ronzulli, proposed by Berlusconi for the Ministry of Justice and whom Mrs Meloni would not want. A challenge which amounts to challenging him, thundered “Il Cavaliere”.

After the installation of parliament, the two presidents-elect should meet with the Head of State as part of the institutional consultations with a view to appointing Giorgia Meloni to the post of Prime Minister. This process should take another week at a minimum.