It is early afternoon, as Samijullah with his friends, the Federal asylum centre leaves. On the program of education in a public school. The children’s clothes, wear thick winter, and chasing things. “Last time out here,” says the Afghan in a mixture of English and German. He lives for two weeks with his family in the Federal asylum centre. From his arrival in Switzerland, he is bitterly disappointed: “It’s like in prison here,” says Samijullah. “Everywhere, Bans, Bans. Bans. We’re not criminals!”

meat and fish

forbidden to Outsiders who want to enter the Federal center for asylum seekers on the Duttweiler Area, only to the reception. There, the security guard by Securitas does not explain friendly that it further without permission. What remains is to look at the locked door. “Please always bring your receipt after shopping, please all of the receipts for purchases to show”, stands on a poster. These serve as proof of receipt. In order to ensure that purely marketed Goods have not been stolen. In addition, a list of permitted and non-permitted food products: PET bottles are allowed, glass bottles are prohibited, back allows goods, meat, fish and dairy products banned.

According to what criteria is chosen? “A lot of food which are perishable, are not allowed in the plant,” says the security man. And what is with the gum are also prohibited? “In order for the asylum-seekers’ not the bonding of furniture and objects.”

“The mood in the centre is very excited,” says a Person who wants to know the operation from the inside and remain anonymous. Public pressure is growing. The magazine “The lamb” reported on Wednesday for the first time about the restrictions in the asylum centre. Around 30 asylum seekers have protested in the last week, according to the neck when a group of employees of the Secretariat of state for Migration (SEM), the centre I visited. “Help me”, had some called. Others complained about excessive control of persons or security personnel, after 22 o’clock in the rooms of storms, the night’s rest to enforce.

a view on the inner courtyard of the new Federal asylum centre on the Duttweiler Area. Photo: “The lamb”

the same Time, the political pressure rose. On Wednesday, the head Raphael Golta sharp criticism in front of the city Parliament: “The current state of the Federal asylum centre must as soon as possible, to be improved.” TA-request Golta reiterates: “For us, it is in the implementation of the operation of the new centre, currently there are still significant problems.” It did not see why a Security system, the works in test mode in a liberal interpretation of very good, should be implemented on the Duttweiler Area, so strict.

Not only the city Council is unhappy about the operation of the Federal asylum centre. Employees of the asylum-organisation Zürich (AOZ), which are for the care of asylum seekers, responsible, voice some sharp criticism of the “intolerable conditions” at the centre of the ruled. The internal Mail, which is before the TA. Therein AOZ-employee signs the end is about the difficult relationship to some of the security people. The young people, the ball might be taken away pens, without which you could not do homework. There is an “absurd game”: “The support is ball-point pen, Securitas takes you back on the road, etc.”

“Instead to allow Refugees a dignified existence, there is absolute restriction.”Ezgi Akyol, member of the municipal Council of AL

includes The internal Mail a list of around 15 points. The AOZ refer employees to, among other things, to a lack of privacy or kids bans trolleys in the corridors, what are parents to force their children to wear on the Arm. The simplest operations are complicated. About the purchase of a new toilet paper: Only the one who brings at the same time an empty Carton back in, gets a new role. For Ezgi Akyol, member of the municipal Council of the AL, the case is clear: “These people are bullies. Instead to allow Refugees a dignified existence, there is absolute restriction.” The Hanna agrees Gerig from the Zurich Solinetz. “The Situation in the Duttweiler Area is not consistent with what would approve in the city of Zurich, a majority,” she says. “The are no occupants, but of vulnerable persons. The hinged safety regime is unjustifiable.”

The Letter also pointed to the so-called reflection spaces. In the Federal asylum centre there is equal to their three. In accordance with an instruction of the SEM in it the inhabitants of that act acutely noticeable can be accommodated for a maximum of two hours. In the Zurich test centre Juch there was no such contemplation room.

For the safety of the centre was to not only deliver the Securitas, but also the security company Protectas by the Federal government. In the invitation to tender, the SEM justified the choice of the Securitas with the higher quality, the commitment of the Protectas, who is responsible for the reception service, with the cheaper price.

Federal stay hard

According to Golta the General principle is: “As much security as necessary with as little Intervention in the daily life as possible.” Personal and room inspections without a reason would not belong to it. He was in contact with the SEM so as quickly as possible, Changes would be made. “In the city of Zurich, a Federal asylum centre needs to be managed differently than is the case at the Moment,” he says.

On request, the SEM shows surprise at Goltas criticism. “The social Department of Zurich, was involved from the beginning in the planning of the Federal centre,” says SEM-spokesman Daniel Bach. It is incomprehensible, why the social head outside now, so harsh criticism. Many of the proposals of the social welfare Department had been implemented. For example, that children and young people may visit each day, the folk school. “This scheme is unique in Switzerland,” says Bach. The Federal asylum centre met the current Standards of all centres. The UN refugee organization had been UNHCR consulted.

“We are still in the early stages,” says Bach. Since it is normal that not everything is going right. At the security check, the SEM wants to hold on to. Adults, teenagers and children need at each entrance to the property of a body search under. In the case of other restrictions, the SEM is gekrebst back now. Thus, it allows the asylum seekers from now on to take pens and make-up utensils at the centre, says Bach. Previously, this was prohibited for safety reasons. “Individual security persons have taken your order, initially, a little too seriously.”

Created: 14.11.2019, 22:36 PM