Whatever their relationship has been in recent years, so it is certainly over now, says Billed-Bladet in the series, which is published on Thursday, about the actress Ghita Nørby and conductor Svenn Skipper.

the Pair is passed from each other, as they also did in 2011, when they divorced after 27 years of marriage.

But the common belief has been that they got together again after two years without, however, to move together again.

The interpretation rejects Svenn Skipper to Ekstra Bladet.

the Pair were together to the royal artist-ball in 2016. Photo: Tariq Mikkel Khan

– We have not been together in many years. We divorced and has not been in a relationship at any point since then. So it is no longer, he says.

To Billed-Bladet he says however this of the breach:

– We have not been together for half a year.

Ghita Nørby is not very helpful to solve the confusion.

– I don’t want to talk about. Goodbye, she says and hang up, when the Extra Leaf is calling.

Nothing, however, suggest that the relationship in each case was gone out of the window in september of this year. When told the 83-year-old film and theatre diva magazine on SUNDAY about the grief she feels at being alone in a high age.

– I would like to have a man, I could live life to the complete with. But my life now has even shaped himself such that I was separated in a high age, so that is why I am alone in a high age.

Ghita Nørby do not regret. Photo: Per Folkver/Ritzau Scanpix

– I’m not saying that I’m a lonely man. I have a lovely family, I have lots of good friends, but I’m alone in the way that I do not have anyone to come to or go from. And it is a grief. But again: I do not regret. Such is life, she said to the magazine.

In connection with his 80th birthday in January 2015, said Ghita Nørby in an interview with Ekstra Bladet, ‘Svenns and my relationship has probably undergone a little strange transformation. I guess you can say that today we have found each other again in a love-friendship relationship, which suits us well’.

Ghita Nørby will then be asked whether they should get married again.

– No, God the father preserved. We must certainly not back to that life, which meant that we were separated, and, therefore, we live also. We will also with. Svenn has a lovely house, and I have also. Here I have my dogs and my garden – that’s how it should be.