“Jämställdhetsmyndigheten on the road to be shut down”

“Unless a new government quickly hit back to Jämställdhetsmyndigheten devote 2019 to put down himself.”

“labour market committee confirms the parliamentary’ yes ‘ to the Conservatives and the christian democrat’s draft budget last week, with rapid phasing-out of authority as the goal.”

“– It is obvious that we are very disappointed today, ” says the authority’s director general Lena Ag to the TT on the news.”

“For less than a year ago, on 12 January this year, was inaugurated in authority. In the M+KD the budget, which was passed in the parliament with the support of The sweden democrats, halved the agency’s appropriations next year, in order to put down the year after.”

“For 2020, there is zero allocated. It means that Lena Ag may devote the next year to lay down the authority.”

“The funds allocated will not be enough by a long shot,” says Lena Ag and is aimed at the more than 40 million which looks to be the allocation for 2019.”

“It’s all about the contract ending, for example, for the premises, and if the wages, salaries and other personnel costs, according to the Ag.”

“Jessica Polfjärd a spokesperson for the Conservatives in the labour market committee. M and KD and SD would not have the authority.”

“– We were hesitant already when it was introduced, we see that gender equality is an area that should be a priority, there are more who have to work with it, it can’t just be on an authority, says Polfjärd.”

“– But it is, of course, so that we want authority to be settled responsibly and that the parts shall be carried over to other authorities, ” says Polfjärd.”

“Something that further complicates the situation is that the day a new government takes office, perhaps within the next few months, it can become a new directive. It will be an S-led government, the path towards settlement is taken back.”

“– We can only do what we agree with other parties to make, but when it comes to the Jämställdhetsmyndigheten there is a consensus between at least five of the parliamentary parties that it should be left, ” says Anna Johansson (S), the chairman of the arbetsmarknadsutskott.”

“But from her perspective, is a part of the damage, even in such a scenario, has already been done. For even if the money would be allocated elsewhere, to cover up for the decommissioning of the authority, it means lost time and risk of losing expertise.”

“– For gender equality, this is a real punch to the face, argues Johansson.”

“Jämställdhetsmyndigheten was established on 1 January 2018.”

“Is situated in Angered in Gothenburg, sweden, has 60 employees.”

“the Authority shall collaborate with other state agencies, municipalities, county councils, regions, civil society and the business community.”

“the Authority shall coordinate, follow up and provide support in specific areas.”

“Source: Jämställdhetsmyndigheten”