The inhabitants of Japan have today begun an unusually long series of free days. The ‘Golden Week’, which have different national holidays, this year, once extended to a period of ten days. The occasion is the upcoming troonswissel in Japan: emperor royal highness akihito occurs on 30 april, 1 may, to be succeeded by his son Naruhito.

By the extended holiday period – which lasts until may 6 – is a peak in the number of trips expected. According to Japanese travel agencies to go in that period, 24.7 million Japanese people on a journey, of whom there 662.000 abroad attract. Many travellers also use the opportunity to make longer trips to take than normal, says the leading Japanese travel agency JTB Corporation, to the news agency Kyodo.

Read also the 75,000 Japanese celebrate the 85th birthday of emperor royal highness akihito: grateful for domination without war

The reason for the exceptionally long holiday season is the impending troonswissel. The 85-year-old royal highness akihito, who since 1989, the 125th emperor of Japan, will be Tuesday resignation during a ceremonial celebration in the imperial palace in Tokyo. He is the first Japanese emperor since Kokaku in 1817 that even when life makes place for his successor.

royal highness akihito had already in the summer of 2016 to let you know that he for health reasons wanted to do the “chrysanthemum throne”. Such abdication is actually not provided in the Japanese legislation. The Japanese government has a one-time law must take place to make this possible.

On Wednesday, 1 may will the 59-year-old Naruhito, the emperor, a ceremonial function, to take over. His arrival means the beginning of a new imperial era. Beginning this month, made the Japanese government announced that the era the name “Reiwa” will get. According to the official translation that the Japanese government left to spread, it means that term “beautiful harmony”.