“Japanese wild boars should be vaccinated against the plague”

“Japan plans to vaccinate wild boar to stop the outbreak of swine fever in the country, reports the etermediebolaget NHK. According to the country’s department of agriculture to the vaccination of the wild boar, who have been identified as a disseminator of svinpesten to lantbruksbesättningar, begins in mid-march. It is the first time that Japan attempting to vaccinate wild animals.”

“The infectious virus disease swine fever, since last autumn, affecting farms in five prefectures in Japan. More than 30 pig farms have been forced to euthanize infected animals and the disease has also been observed in 180 wild boar.”

“the Vaccination of the wild boar will be implemented in the prefectures of Gifu and Aichi, where the infected wild boars have been found.”

“the wild boars of the obvious reasons not to be vaccinated by the usual injection. The liquid vaccine should instead be mixed with the flour, and buried in the ground. The wild boars will be vaccinated against the plague if they eat the bait. A total of 120 000 doses of vaccine distributed to the boar during the coming year.”