The German film ”A maze of lies” from 2015 was a useful reminder of the germans ‘ collective forgetfulness about some of the second world war’s worst crimes against humanity. The so-called Auschwitzrättegångarna in Frankfurt between 1963 and 1968 (they were split up in three different processes) brought very different reactions. Large parts of the German population showed its relative lack of interest, when they were not downright hostile – ”are we really going to start rummaging in all that again?”
On the SVT/Play OUT of the show now, the excellent French-british documentary ”Auschwitzrättegången in Frankfurt”. Hard-working and dedicated prosecutors worked incredibly hard for years, not infrequently encountered the active resistance from the new German establishment (which in part consisted of the old nazi German establishment). Parts of the administration, the judiciary and the police came quickly, in the new west Germany consist of former spd-affiliated nazis, which had changed its tune on the fly. And got new jobs: ”We saw no direct murder of some jews and dissidents, and obeyed in all cases, only the orders…”
”A maze of lies” (available at SF Anytime), then you will see ”Auschwitzrättegången in Frankfurt”. You then want to see the best made in the genre of so provide you in the grips with Netflixserien ”the Einsatzgruppen: The nazi death squads”. Frenchman Michael Prazans series is the most ambitious, most roughest examination of the German war of extermination that the campaign against Russia actually was.
Filmmaker Prazan leave no stone unturned, he talks about all the four different dödspatrullerna. The nazi top people Himmler and Heydrich had often invested in to provide academics and humanists in the most råbrutala the data. They wanted people who understood the difficulties and the soldiers. They were recruited with the help of extra money, extra leave, and large amounts of allocation of alcohol. To spend all days sitting at a machine gun and mow down jews, communists, resistance fighters, saboteurs, prisoners of war demanded a lot of strong psyche. Sammanbrotten were many.
pallade not the killing, so the flaccid man. Many volunteers did the job for years, and they did it efficiently and very creditable. All the higher officers understood what the hell it was, this massmördande, but it was necessary, and subsequent generations would thank them, it was their absolute conviction.
Very many of these, perhaps history’s worst criminals and mass murderers, was never brought to justice. They went home, built up their country with the kind support and decided to forget.
Michael Prazans Netflixfilm in four parts, is such a punch to the face that you don’t know how to ever be able to rise again. There is no study in evil, it is evil in its purest form.
it will be when the German Einsatzgruppe A, arriving to the baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and discover that the job is already done just fine by the locals. They are dragging out their jewish neighbors on the street and clubs simply them to death, they vacuum the jewish and communist blocks, entire neighborhoods, entire villages, and pryglar them, usually to death.
the Germans are ecstatic, surprised and watching. In addition, it is well documented on the picture, because so many German soldiers filming the events. Estonians and latvians and lithuanians have tremendous amounts of blood on their hands from this time – their collective memory is probably one of the worst in the world in all categories.
I belong to those who with abominable horror looks very unpleasant trends that we are once again approaching civilization abysses. The story may be the only one who can save us. Give it a chance this christmas. Also.
Read more texts by Johan Croneman , for example, if SVT’s series about the homeless.