” the Main reason is that the rate of inflation for more than half a year is above the Riksbank’s target of 2.0 per cent. The riksbank had in advance flagged for a rate hike now in december or in February next year. Now I thought that there were sufficient reasons to wait.

– However, the Riksbank is not unanimous. There are a reservant of the executive board members, Per Jansson, who think that they should have held back. He believes that uncertainty about the rate of inflation in the longer term is far too big and therefore wanted to wait with a rate hike.

– There will be more rate increases, but at a slower pace than the Riksbank previously has announced. The repo-rate path, the Riksbank’s forecast for the repo rate, adjusted down.

– the Next increase is expected in the second half of 2019. Then you reach up to zero interest, but then it is not until 2021, after about two rate increases per year –that the repo rate will be up to 1.0 per cent. But it all depends on how the economic development in the coming years, which so far is very uncertain.

– the Impact looks to be quite moderate. The variable mortgage rates follow the repo rate upwards, but not necessarily to the same extent.

Mortgage loans with fixed interest rates, however, are affected not directly, because they are more dependent on how market rates develop. For savers, there will be no difference until the major banks to abandon its zero interest rate on deposits.

Read also: the Riksbank raises the interest rate