71 is Jorma Nuppula age. 46 is the number of years in which jämsä is spent on the road helping in trouble.Jorma Nuppula has helped motorists on the road for 46 years. Henna Siponen

the 50 is a number that tells the car the federal Operation snowflake operational year. Over 80 is a record of the number of tasks, which Nuppula has over the years alerted one during the operation. Fair 20 he gets them treatment, when he spent the same the reader some hours of transport without shutting down the car.

Years I don’t remember, but it was harsh frosts, more than 30 degrees, the man told me.

on This day the number has stabilized at 10-15 song during the two weeks after the Operation snowflake annual works. Are on duty have been ready to help for 15. December onwards, but the busiest times are this year on Friday and Saturday. Also after christmas the return traffic knows to work.

Jämsä region emergency nuppula in addition to the three volunteers.

– Activities-our area is mainly main roads, Ysitie in particular, Nuppula tell.

Traditionally, the car left the road on a flat tire, run out of fuel or electrical failure. Nuppula said that before the tire problem, you employed him only the third most, but now rings have taken over first place.

– New cars no spare tire, which also comes as a surprise to some motorists. Tires can be 17 to 19 inch rims, and they are not at all warehouses.

nuppula according to the tire sealant bottle to help rarely, as many times the rubber breakage will be noticed only when the tire is already off the rim.

– Our task is to call the tire moves through. In is The and euro master, who is on duty. Many, yes horror, when they hear the price.

the Mental help is important

running out of Fuel is not difficult to predict, if the meter works. Motorists hankering sometimes always but the most advantageous fuel after leaving the tanks empty unexpectedly in the middle of everything. Nuppula carry gas, and diesel from him to find a home.

Though some of the cars today is such that if the fuel runs out, the car is not running without a workshop visit.

Before the road was made almost anything, now delegated to more. The customer, however, who likes to get the first treatment. Mental help is needed a lot.

Operation snowflake voluntary do not get paid for helping me, but it would be desirable, that the expenses shall be reimbursed. Nuppula to say, though, that the few is no cash involved, so sometimes even travel expenses.

– Not to make money, but my expenses are pretty large. When I did this still active, it took me a year to 20 000 marks. The most important thing is, however, a good mind, which I get, when I can be of help.

Jorma Nuppula tell you that the most important thing to help first motorists, as vehicle can handle the cold, too. Henna siponen lost in the fabric field

on the Road sees just as if one, both good and bad. Childbirth is nuppula from missed, but close that was.

a ball of yarn was in Tampere and the child was born 10 minutes later.

Nuppula said that the trip happen. A pregnant woman’s car was broken Orivedelle. He was perched cats and dogs, and her husband answered the phone. Nuppula take the women and the animals aboard.

the Woman remained in the hospital and Nuppula pulls up my driving instructions with towards the women of the home fabric sector. Having arrived, he left the animals home and began to head back. The navigator was not, and the return didn’t happen easily. Soon jämsä found himself lost in the middle of the night. Minute drive, he fortunately came to a crossroads that looked familiar.

the Worst place was in a traffic accident where a small child my father died.

– It is left to the mind, how inconsolably children cried. I don’t mean to get over.

Only in dire need to mobilize

you Never know what you’re up against, when the traffic leaves. Therefore Nuppula advises to prepare for delays as well, not to lose his nerve. Annoyed driver is a danger to himself and others.

– it Is sad if someone’s christmas will be ruined. Would be the best, we don’t have any work to do.

This christmas Nuppula will soothe your festival getaway. Age already have enough of our own energy to keep listening. No he won’t go at night unless you have something real to worry about.

I’m still not over run, if someone needs help.

Jämsä goal is that he participates in the Mission Snowflakes still until the man comes 50 years to the meter. It knows that Nuppula car tape orders change several more times.

Now the blue car on the side of the read Jorma, 71 years! Roadside assistance for 46 years! And still a bull on a man the signs of the zodiac.

the Case is initially published in Jämsä Seudussa.