The previous JU-Chairman Ziemiak has been elected as the CDU General Secretary. The new CDU had proposed Chairman Kramp-Karrenbauer him, came surprising, as Ziemiak had not supported them in the election for party leader, but their candidate. Perhaps that is why Ziemiak achieved a particularly good result. the

the head of The Union youth organization Young Union (JU), Paul Ziemiak, has been elected as the CDU General Secretary. 503 of 801 valid votes of the delegates at the CDU party Congress in Hamburg accounted for him, or 62.8 percent. Particularly well the result is not so.

Earlier, the new party boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer proposed him, and explained why she had made Ziemiak to your candidates for the office. You’ve thought about during your candidacy, such as a new leadership team of the party could look like, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. You have someone in your Team that have already shown in a separate organization, “that he can do it”. Someone to talk to younger members and also contribute it could

you have already taken in the run-up to your choice to Ziemiak contact, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. The have canceled but first of all, because his loyalty was to your candidates to the office of the party chief, Jens Spahn, and Friedrich Merz. On Friday after their election to the party leader, you have thought about but again and Ziemiak asked again. She was “very glad” that he had said to her.

CDU Annegret Boss Kramp-Karrenbauer and her Secretary-General Paul Ziemiak.

(photo: John Macdougall/AFP)

The ideal candidate Kramp cart Gobahis Builder, presented to the delegates initially modest: “My Name is Paul Ziemiak, I am 33 years old,” he said in his application speech. He was married, have a son, come from the Sauerland region and since 2014 head of the young Union.

Also Ziemiak did that, why he would – although he had voted against Kramp-karrenbauer – but to engage in it, under it to work. Many, he knew, were disappointed in the outcome of yesterday’s election. However, “today it’s not about yesterday, it’s not about individuals, it’s about the party,” said JU head. It is also important to get the debate culture in the party, had shown in the regional conferences of the past weeks.

Ziemiak recommended to the delegates with a commitment to classic conservative values. He called for a renewal of the party “with a clear price and a clear language”. “We must be the party of the rule of law”. He called for a systematic deportation of terrorist threat, mistook, in his remarks, however, the case of Tunisia deported a suspected Ex-bodyguard of Osama bin Laden, Sami A., with the bombers from the Berlin Breitscheidtplatz, anise Amri.

Ziemiak is Kramp cart Builder’s direct successor as Secretary-General. The former Saarland Minister-President Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected on Friday in a vote against Ex-Union leader Merz, as the successor of Chancellor Angela Merkel. She was, by the way, in February, with nearly 99 percent to the General Secretary-elected – and had then a much better result than now Ziemiak.

at the beginning of the second day of the CDU party rally speech CSU Deputy Manfred Weber, the draws as the top candidate for the European people’s party into the race, to the delegates of the sister party. Weber congratulated Kramp-Karrenbauer: “Your success is our success.” After a year of massive dispute between the two parties, he stressed that the CDU and CSU are separate parties, but both had as the “DNA” of the Union. At the end of the day, they could achieve important common goals.