the Publication of the financial statements for the year 2018 is going completely according to plan.

not enough with that, as expected, was tyvstartet shortly before at 18 o’clock. The queue to get in and check the profit for the year after a short time very long.

Right now, there is more than an hour of waiting, when over 100,000 trying to get into.

Community – 8. mar. 2019 – at. 17:51 Now you can check your annual statement

the Vast majority of danes will be greeted by a green number at the top of the financial statements, which means that you have to have the money back.

It is important to remember however, that you do not just have to sit back and as a starting point accept the result of the Skattestyrelsens a statement. There is plenty of amount in the different fields that may need to be changed. And thus, your outstanding balance or your balance well be a completely different than that in the first place is determined.

Here are the important dates in connection with the tax

In January receive a tax administration information from employers, banks and other relevant, that has something with our personal finances to make.

Information is gathered and the Excise make their calculations.

Or rather: By 11. march. The financial statements are clear, and we can see them online at Skattestyrelsens website.

The citizens of which are exempt from digital post, you can look forward to receive statements on paper. They are being sent out this day.

So is the last chance to correct the issued a statement.

the Last date you can fill in the blank, previously known as the extended tax return. Now it is called the fiche.

at the same time, is the deadline to deposit the outstanding tax, without that there will be interest on.

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It is not less than 15 percent of the population – or approximately 700.000 persons – which has a or else that must be changed in the Skattestyrelsens preliminary inventory.

it is important, Therefore, that all runs through it to be sure that everything is as it should be.

annual Statement and tax return – what is what?

the financial statements received, when the Tax has all the information they need.

the tax return is received, when the Tax is missing information or missing information from one’s spouse.

A large group of taxpayers is the Tax have been forced over in the årsopgørelses model, in which they had previously extended tax return, because they have parents-the apartments, the owner of K/S shares, has a small business – possibly as a sideline.

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