“KD exercise to enable more people to own property”
“Byggsubventionerna for rental properties creates a distorted housing market with more expensive housing costs in the long term. It considers the Christian democrats, which presents eleven suggestions on bostadsreformer.”
“the Party’s budgetmotion contains eleven points that should promote the private-owned accommodation. KD proposes, among other things, that kreditrestriktionerna mitigated, and that the ceiling for full interest deductions are reduced. The party also wants to see an amendment of the leasehold, so that the homeowner be able to pay a tomträttsavgift to a fixed, national rate, instead of to buy up the entire plot, and an increase in the housing allowance.”
“in Order to stimulate the young to debut in the housing market suggest the Christian democrats, a tax credit on early bostadssparande and state loans at preferential interest rates for the down-payment.”
“Their full budgetmotion presented during the Friday.”