“KD’s new line: Opens the to negotiate with SD”

“the Christian democrats open to negotiate with The sweden democrats. “

“I welcome the development and look forward to fruitful conversations when such may possibly be current,” says SD leader Jimmie Åkesson.”

“KD-leader Ebba Busch Thor presents today a new line of how the party’s cooperation with other parties should look like in the future. She writes on Facebook: “

“With the Conservatives, we have an active and close cooperation. With the Centre party and the Liberals, we hope in the future to be able to govern in coalition or through organized budgetary cooperation. With the social democrats, sweden democrats, Left party and the Greens, we are prepared to discuss individual matters of fact, whenever it is meaningful to do so.””

“Talk in order to reach consensus”

“KD should be able to ”talk with all the parliamentary parties in order to reach a common understanding of individual sakpolitiska questions where it is possible to strengthen the support for the policies we stand for,” she writes on. “

“Ebba Busch Thor stresses in Facebookinlägget that the new approach does not mean that KD is establishing himself in a new block. KD will not accept compromises that are contrary to the party’s values. Busch Thor also writes that the party does not ”guarantee that we complete a negotiation already begun. Each förhandlingsrum has a door that you can go through”. “

“Forced to think in new ways.”

“the Reason for the new posture is the position in Swedish politics after the formation of the government. In the void after the Alliance has KD forced to think in new ways, writes Ebba Busch Thor on Facebook. She also believes that konfliktnivån in Swedish politics must be reduced. “

“”this decision was preceded by a long and deep discussion in both the parliamentary group and national executive. This decision is taken with great support.” writes Ebba Busch Thor. “

“Jimmie Åkesson is thrilled about the news. He writes on Facebook: “

“– the Wise and mature reasoning of Ebba Busch Thor, and KD. A natural step given the new political landscape that has taken shape. I welcome the development and look forward to fruitful calls when such might be necessary.”