Jensen turns fast towards the newspaper Dagbladet that siktelsene against Keshvari (37) is serious and that the police must now do their job.

Stortingsrepresentanten from Oslo was at the weekend charged with serious threats with a weapon, but acknowledges not even straffskyld after the indictment.

He must stand responsible for what he may have done. It is important that police get the job done, ” says the head of “law and order party” christian people’s party.

Embarrassment, the Police seized several weapons

Keshvari is already under investigation by the Oslo police for fraud, after Aftenposten’s revelations that he has submitted inaccurate expense reports.

the Case comes on top of a number of other skandalepregede issues that have overshadowed the Norwegian politics in the last year.

Jensen brands wear:

– Many of my colleagues are experiencing these events very uncomfortable. They are set in embarrassment and should have easily been this besides, ” says Jensen to the Newspaper.

She parts the president of the storting, Tone W. Trøens concern about the scandals and more, adding up frames Parliament’s reputation.

Stortingspresidenten fear for confidence in the stortingspolitikerne

I agree with stortingspresidenten in it. But even though there have been some individual cases, the Norwegian policy in its being a proper place to work with hardworking politicians of all parties. What we must not lose sight of, although there are individual episodes that I think all parties would be without, ” says Jensen.

Many react

Jensen partikollega and vice president of the Parliament, Morten Wold, believes that it should be easier for stortingsrepresentanter to be excused if a case is so distressing that the person seems to have lost confidence.

I have noted that he has advocated for a debate on it. This is not something the government mixes up away in. But the debate is important to take. I think a lot of people respond that it should be so difficult to be able to exempt, given that the situation would merit it.

On the question about why the conservative party is overrepresented on the skandalestatistikken, says partilederen:

Each case, whether it is in the Progress party, or other parties, are matters we should have been besides. It is up to each individual to behave properly and follow Norwegian law, and it makes the vast majority. Frp is a law and order political party, and we work every day to accomplish the differences in the Norwegian society. It is important to hold on to, when people do things they should not do.

will be responsible

Jensen says that the conservative party has followed up Keshvari since the travel expense claim form-the case cracked in the last fall.

at the same time, I emphasize that he must be accountable for what he may have done. The police must get to the bottom of this matter, and he can’t disclaim responsibility for what he has done.

– He has had it rough