The customer refused to pay the bill. The police are asking: Why he didn’t use the tool he had? to open

Instead of with tool, has entered an alleged key service staff, the door of an apartment in Schweinfurt. The police announced on Tuesday, had locked the 68-year-old resident and then a number, which he had found on the Internet, a key service mediation. The customer refused on Saturday to pay the invoice in the amount of about 150 euros. As a result, the rowdy service provider left the house.

he Why the door came in, although he had the tool, was not known. Also whether or not it is, in fact, a professional lock and key service staff, or a Scam, couldn’t tell the police. “In the case of key services, we have to do in the last time often with inflated bills, but the door to enter, this is the first Time,” said police spokesman Philipp Hümmer. In order not to rogue providers fall, the rates of the officials, specifically key services from the Region to call in and to have as a witness – such as a neighbor.