in Spite of the current severe tensions, Iran’s spiritual leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, not attributed to an armed conflict with the United States. In the case of the confrontation between Tehran and Washington, it was more a Test of your resolve as a military measure, said Khamenei, according to his official Website on Tuesday in a speech before government officials. “This conflict is not military, because there will be no war.”

Neither Iran nor the United States wanted a war, assured Khamenei. “You know, that it will not be in your best interest,” added the spiritual leader of the Islamic Republic, with a view to the US government.

Trump: No troops in the Middle East

US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo had said on Tuesday after Meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov in Sochi, his country is seeking “in principle, no war with Iran”. U.S. President Donald Trump denied a media report that Washington was considering the deployment of 120’000 soldiers in the Middle East.

Trump had announced a year ago, the unilateral exit of the USA from the nuclear deal with Iran. Tehran announced last week that certain conditions of the agreement to comply with, and threatened, within 60 days, with the further steps. Washington tightened its sanctions against Tehran, and moved warships and long-range bombers in the Region. (fal/afp)

Created: 14.05.2019, 20:32 PM