For almost a month ago, it was clear that the Södertörn district court judge the man guilty of having killed the young woman. Then, the court decided he would undergo a psychiatric examination, because it was proven that he committed “the of the case, the accused deeds”.
and shows that the man had no serious mental disorder at the time of the offence. He suffers not, nor any serious mental disorder now, and thus there are no medical conditions that the man shall be handed over to psychiatric care, says national laboratory of forensic science.
the 41-year-old accused of in march 2016 to have killed his young wife, to then dig her down in a wooded area in Hökarängen in southern Stockholm. Two months later found the body of an individual who was out walking his dog in the area.
against the then-38-year-old man, but he left the country and went to Iran. First, in June last year, could the man be brought to Sweden.
the 41-year-old admits that he and the woman met at the time of the murder, but he denies the offences. He claims that the pair were walking in the area when someone attacked and beat him so that he fainted. When he woke up was his young wife away.
the Investigation has shown that the woman no longer wanted to be together with the man, and that she felt scared and threatened by him.