Some find God through prayer and church, the other in naturreligiøse experiences or through psychedelic drugs such as ayahuasca, others find their god through the ass, and then there are the many, linking sexuality and spirituality together.

And here we are talking not just about organized groups and sects, and tantrikkere of all kinds, for whom sexuality is a path to higher consciousness and self-awareness.

the Latest addition to this trend is a small shop in the Inner city in Copenhagen, which sells healing crystals, spiritual books, luksussexlegeøj and ditto the lingerie. La Diosa is owned by behind the woman Lust, the first sex shop for women at home, namely Sabina Elvstam Johns.

Extra Blade took a small talk with the entrepreneur about this coupling between sex and spirit:

– It is both spirituality and eroticism, I can understand. Why this combination?
– Because they belong together, always have done. Eroticism is a gateway to the spiritual, and sexuality is a holy force.

– What is it you as a customer can experience in Diosa?
– As a customer of La Diosa are invited to go deeper into themselves in order to optimize its full potential. In addition to the regular store with exciting products, we will also regularly make cirkelarbejde with immersive themed evenings.

– Relevant themes such as how to use tarot cards, forgotten knowledge of healing herbs, crystals energetic properties, the doctrine of tantra m.m. You can also get individual sessions with reiki healing.

Sexperterne – 2. mar. 2017 – at. 22:08 Tantra for beginners

– to Whom is it directed?

– La Diosa, means Goddess in Spanish. So it is a store that celebrates the divine feminine principle, so it caters mostly to women, but all are welcome. La Diosa is a tribute to the woman as a divine creature and the female body as a source of worship

– It is a loving encounter with the outdated, patriarchal view of women and the notion of female sexuality as a kind of threat against.

– At La Diosa we cultivate the strength that unmistakably is associated with the sexual energy. We seek, in other words, to create an inclusive and spiritual environment, with a focus on the body and soul as an inseparable unit. A space where sex is sacred, and where the feminine is reflected in a tasteful and aesthetically pleasing atmosphere.
Julia from La Diosa with healing krystaldildo that brings harmony to the woman, and one of those spiritual self-help books, The Goddess Revolution. Photo:
Sabina tells them that they have crystals and semi-precious stones, magical tools such as the pendulum and crystal balls, tarot cards, sensual oils, and the sensory røgelser and herbs for the care of the body. Erotic tools as selected vibrators, crystal and glass rods, yoni ægjade and rosenquartz and bækkenbundsmuskelstyrkende weights. You can find literature, which gives guidance in the spiritual course, books about magic and self-development, shamanism and the modern gudindebevægelse.

And then we have something very exclusive lingerie that gets any woman to feel like a Goddess. The get Agent Provocateur to look like H&M.

Sex & relationship – 19. oct. 2016 – pm. 22:28 Yoga – the way to a better sex life

– Why do you think that there is a market for that sort of thing?
– There is a movement in which women wake up and stand together to promote the wild force, we have been tamed for too long. It is a renaissance for the female, divine energy, the World to the degree need to now.

– This store is an intuitive call, I follow, but also a kind of version 2 of the Lust, which now is very much incorporated as a concept and more mainstream. I’m looking for the limits of our collective consciousness, and would like to work deeper with things.

Magic, eroticism and spirituality has always interested me in the combination, Tempobet now tipping the scales over against the energetic. It is in the love we developed, it is the reason that we live. La Diosa is a tribute to all women, to be the highest in the us.

– So La Diosa is a combination of the Illum, Lust and the occult bookstore?
– LOL! Maybe not the Illum. But yes, an essence of Lusts values for the conscious and very sensitive, modern woman. There is now a strong global movement of feminism coupled with sexpositivisme and spirituality, says Sabina. the
La Diosas logo and the logo from the sect The Meyerist in the HBO series The Path, which is about a new age cult with spiritual origins in buddhism, christianity, scientology, shamanism, veganism, and a relatively unbiased approach to sexuality. The all-seeing divine mind, as the iconography rooted in christianity. Photo credit: HBO
She sees a great interest for gudindereligion and the feminine aspect, which she believes has been very badly treated in the traditional patriarchal religion for many thousands of years:

– But from the very beginning, God was a woman, a feminine force, with the ability to create life. She was the Creatrix. Her sexuality was free and the divine. Civilizations were matri-linear, i.e. it was the woman, and the mother’s blood, which led the family on, had economic power and inheritance law.

She had a free sex life. Sex was worshiped in the temple in many cultures, it was an honor to be tempeltjenerinde with sexual initieringer. See, for example, the tantric tempelmotiver in India.

According to Sabina, this was a free approach to sex and eroticism simply too threatening, since it is politically left man without the means and power:

– A new form of religion was established, and with masculine gods. Via judaismen and christianity got sex stamp as something sinful. The woman’s freedom was limited, her power taken from her, claiming Elvstam Johns, who believe we long for our full power and potential.

– Not only to make sex sacred again, but to link it together with the spiritual aspect and grow the feminine watch-force. From my personal perspective, it’s about a consciousness in relation to the energetic aspect of eroticism. Sex for sex’s sake is in my eyes empty and no matter.

– If I do not have myself with energetic, and my heart is completely open in the process, it is rather a waste of my effort, loss of focus, routine gymnastics. Sex is and should be – has always been – holy, says Sabina Elvstam Johns.

See also: Sex brings men closer to god – shock shock

Paganism Eva the oak twig Krogsdal; has on has put the focus on spirituality and self-realization in what she calls spiritual unwritten selvrealiseringsmyte:

‘According to this myth, life is a long and predetermined journey towards realizing the true and divine in the individual. You must be the one they in fact are.

The divine is something inherent, people have forgotten, and which is slowly being revealed to them when they are going through personal crises.

in Parallel, looking for today’s spiritual the original and lost on the inside of the culture varnish. They are looking after themselves in a different version than the one they have been brought up to be.

It is characteristic of many danes who are interested in spirituality, they see the burgeoning of spirituality as a sign that people no longer will allow themselves to suppress of the systems (and the religion here is almost the archetype of a system) – but, in contrast, will find their very own true and unique path to the divine.

‘Therapies’ includes here all the general terapeutisering of human life, whereby people today increasingly consult therapists (and selvudviklingsbøger) to process itself. It includes a variety of therapeutic fashion, which in these years often linked with spirituality:

Yoga, Meditation, Mindfulness, newer korttidsterapier as NLP, Positive Psychology and a variety of forms of coaching.’