In the recent time, the internet is floated with fake advertising, where celebrities and brands have been misused to advertise for the so-called ‘bitcoins’.

Without the consent or participation at all has a yet unknown sponsor written fake articles, where the celebrities faces are being abused.

the Story is the same time and time again – how ‘bitcoins’ has rescued the celebrity economy or created them staggering sums of money.

this was How it was for radio host Søren Dahl, best known from the now closed radio show Café Hack’, en one day he discovered that he was the victim of fupmagerne.

– I discovered that I had been abused in any of the advertisements. They had taken pictures from a time I visited ’the Studio’, and in the text was there, I had saved myself from bankruptcy by investing in ‘bitcoins’. Something that I was supposed to have been inspired by Christian Stadil, says 60-year-old Søren Dahl to Ekstra Bladet.

Søren Dahl took fupnummeret with elevated ro, and has not yet reported it to the police.

– It veered of course to be comical. It is so far from the truth, but it looks like a piece of reality, when they use the real pictures. My biggest fear is just that someone should jump on it and believe that ‘bitcoins’ is the way forward. It would be terrible, he says.

Was seen Søren Dahl with Paul Krevs, Søren Smoking and Ole Henriksen. Photo: Claus Bonnerup
And that is precisely why considering the radio host also, that if he sees a false advertising again, with anyone who takes his name in vain, he will report it to the police.

– It is in fact a principled case, and thus it also seriously. After all, we are yet many who have been abused now. But they should not think that they can cheat us. As I usually say to my listeners: ‘We are not as stupid as some think’, he laughs.

Life offers much, and this is certainly not the worst that has surpassed radio host, he says.

– I have it like this: I have tried it, was worse. After my unjustified outrage in the DR is just comical, ” he concludes.

In the war with the DR

Café Hack was through 14 years of age sent on DR P4 until spring 2017, where public service-the station broke the cooperation with their listening-magnet.

It came to pass, after it came to light that Søren Dahl production company had received at least a million dollars in payment from the locations, which had been sent live in the course of some sommerturnéer, which was in conflict with the DR’s rules.

The view is shared, however, not the Søren Dahl and Kristian Borregaard, which is behind the SK Productions.

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Besides Søren Dahl has Extra Leaf previously described how, among other Mads Steffensen, Christian Stadil and Ulla Essendrop also has been abused in advertising.