The vote in Thuringia were counts done, because it has rained criticism of the conservative CDU members of the leadership of the party in Berlin. The former President of the Federal constitutional protection, Hans-Georg Maassen, tweeted: “It is the 13. Choice for 2016, in the case of the Union because of their policy has lost. That’s enough, Frau Merkel! You show a sense of responsibility and take the consequences.” The CDU, which had ruled Thuringia from 1990 to 2014 continuously, had crashed in the state election by almost 12 percentage points, and even behind the AfD number three landed.

Alexander Mitsch, the head of a ultra-conservative lobby group within the CDU, wrote that “since allowing the uncontrolled mass immigration” should now be the last CDU-member clearly that “the big Problem of our party is sitting in the Chancellery”. Not only Angela Merkel, also the party Chairman, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer got any amount of criticism. Friedrich Merz, was in December a year ago, Kramp-karrenbauer in the election to the Post just below, and since then, to revenge is bent, urged his party on election night to respond adequately: The double-digit loss “can no longer ignore the CDU or just sit there”.

The chief of the Junge Union, Tilman Kuban, criticized the guidance content: With the climate policy and the “Diesel Bashing” would Kramp-Karrenbauer and Merkel in the last months, the wrong issues – or at least none that could have been points in rural Thuringia.

a Lot depends on the SPD from

the Bureau and the Executive Board of the CDU on Monday morning in Berlin, the defeat to aufarbeiteten, double the 32-year-old Kuban. In a stormy session, he was naughty on the leadership question. He does not think that Kramp-Karrenbauer as a candidate for Merkel’s successor is not likely, and I now await an appropriate clarification. After giving the participants the party boss replied emotionally, and sharp: they had been elected in December a year ago by the Convention properly and will hold on to the promise that the Chancellor candidacy in the fall of 2020 to be decided.

At the press conference after the meeting Kramp-karrenbauer challenged their opponents within the party is open to: anyone Who wants to already now decide on the Chancellor that in three weeks at the party Congress in Leipzig the opportunity to do so. In Other respects, she was still of the view that the party presidency and the Chancellery are in the same Hand – you can see since Merkel’s withdrawal from the party office web, what is the uncertainty of triggering this constellation.

Kramp cart Builder calculus is obvious: it is one that the Congress comes at the end of November for their actual rivals as the day of the decision too early. It is only when the social Democrats have found at the beginning of December about termination or continuation of the Great coalition with the CDU/CSU, the further development of some of the masses overlook: In the SPD in the government, can Kramp-Karrenbauer keep your schedule up to 2020, maybe. On the SPD flares up, at the latest, then the battle for the leadership of the party and the candidacy-not really.

talks with the left party

After a good Start, with cross-party Approval of the star Kramp cart Builder, is in the last few months dramatically decreased. The 57-year-old citizen of Saarland joined error to error, your party lost this year’s election to election. Even if the CDU in the European elections, or, in Saxony – in the end, once again, the strongest force remained high were the losses. They were nowhere as high as on Sunday in Thuringia. At the same time, displeasure with Merkel’s fourth and last government, which was to have been from the beginning a Notbündnis of two resistive Partner is in the last few months, grown steadily.

in addition to the power struggle to the top, the other explosive issue of the role after the election in Thuringia, the CDU played on Monday only a subsidiary role: To form a coalition with the Christian Democrats for the first time, with the left party, since otherwise a stable government in the small state of hardly forming? Formally, the answer is clear: At the last party Congress of the CDU have taken unanimously the decision, neither the AfD nor the left party “in any Form” to work, said Kramp-Karrenbauer. This decision applies to continue to.

The Thuringian land-in-chief Mike Mohring, occurred in Berlin, together with the party leader, announced at the same time, the talk of the Thuringia Minister-President Bodo Ramelow to accept. This is a question of political responsibility. He indicated also, that stable conditions for Thuringia at the end were more important than party political interests. Whether this means that his CDU would have to be for a coalition, a toleration, or toleration, depending on the topic, was open Mohring. He was, however, aware that the question have the potential to his party to tear.

Created: 28.10.2019, 17:56 PM