Aleqa Hammond, who has previously been prime minister in Greenland, re-election to the Danish Parliament.

Sermitsiaq says that the 53-year-old politician will be selvstændighedspartiet the greenland national Qitornais the candidate at the head of the forthcoming elections.

– Work for independence must have a significant voice in Parliament, and Aleqa Hammond provides a compelling and visible figure in the Parliament, writes the chairman Vittus Qujaukitsoq, according to the newspaper in a press release.

Hammond was president of the social democratic party, Siumut, from 2009 until 2014, where she however withdrew as a result of that she had used the money from the governments coffers for private purposes.

the Year after she asked up for the Forward at the general election and obtained the choice for one of the two greenlandic seats in parliament.

She was later expelled from the party and became non-attached member. But in april last year, announced that she had joined in the newly established greenland national Qitornai, founded by former Siumut-members.

Hammond got 171 votes in the last landsstyrevalg in Greenland.

Aleqa Hammond concluded in 2016 an agreement with prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s party Left, that she would not vote against the government in Parliament.

in return she was rewarded with a formandspost in the greenland committee.

In 2016, revealed to Ekstra Bladet, Aleqa Hammond had abused his credit card from the Danish Parliament.

the Extra Leaf could bl.a. describe how Hammond had powershoppet private 13,000 crowns. Aleqa Hammond had to subsequently pay back and was expelled from his party Siumut. She was also kicked out of the socialist folketingsgruppe at Christiansborg.

Two years earlier, she had had to withdraw as Greenland’s first female prime minister (prime minister/head of government), after she had abused good 100,000 dollars from the national accounts for private purposes.

After a period as a non-attached member in the Danish parliament she enrolled in april 2018 (after valgudskrivelsen) into the new batch of the greenland national Qitornai.

Aleqa Hammond sat with 6818 personal voting record by elections in 2013.