First there were protests by local residents in Berlin-Kreuzberg, now the plans for the year 2014 has approved the construction project at the Skalitzer road 122-126, on the corner of Marianne street be changed. The district baustadtrat of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Florian Schmidt (Green), the owner of Ideal life, agreed insurance and the Senate administration for urban development. Instead of a Hotel, a Hostel and a “large scale retailing”, the creation of a office building with a “smaller shop units” in the ground floor.

On Sunday, the district will publish, together with the Ideal explanation. Accordingly, the insurance shall submit to the district in a timely manner to changes in the plan. The new concept favors the so-called “Kreuzberg mixture”, which provides a side by side of Living and Working. So the resulting trades should be offered to land-primarily companies from the district, or those with a General interest and social orientation. “Fine tuning to the building and design of next week,” tweeted the Baustadtrat last Friday.

many local residents are not welcomed in the hotel complex, they had shown a week ago at a Demonstration. Skeptical also Schmidt revealed: “urban development policy, the wrong project,” he tweeted last Tuesday, and was thus on the side of the residents. “The LSE has a bad impact on our neighborhood. More mass tourism, rising Rents, more displacement, a lack of space for useful things, such as day-care centres, social centres, homes,” explains the Initiative “No Hostel 36” on its website.

The construction of dwellings is in accordance with the applicable legal framework on the property, however, not possible to said Ideal on-demand. The cooperative comparable insurance Association to have the district in a number of discussions, the Alternative of an office and commercial building proposed two alternative Construction proposals had been rejected. In addition, the building permit by 2014, the district had been extended even in March 2017 and may 2018. According to the agreement reached on Friday, the alternative plan can start now, but soon.

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