“Kristersson forgot vapenskåp unlocked – investigated,”
“the Conservatives party leader Ulf Kristersson is being investigated by the police after having had a vapenskåp with weapons and ammo unlocked in his home, writes Aftonbladet.”
” I made a mistake when I forgot to lock the cabinet. It has never happened before – and it will not happen again. What I did is not a violation of the law, but sloppy. The law is clear on this point, ” says Ulf Kristersson, as are the hunter, to the newspaper.”
“It was last Wednesday that the police were called to the partiledarens home after a burglar alarm triggered. No burglary was noted, however, found the police it unlocked vapenskåpet with Kristerssons hunting weapons.”
“– the Investigation related that there is a suspicion that it has failed in its storage, there is one thing you should look at. If, in the long run will be no brottsmisstanke or not I can’t answer, ” says Monica Bergström, police presstalesperson, to Aftonbladet.”
“the Guns should have been taken by the police.”