“Kristin Kaspersen if searching for a date in Let’s dance: ”Can not”,”

“”There are some nice messages””

“Kristin Kaspersen’d love to meet the love. “

“But ”Let’s dance” put a stop to. “

“It’s not so that I am not interested to meet someone, but right now it’s not possible,” she says. “

“Kristin Kaspersen, 49, has been hailed for his performance in ”Let’s dance”. In tonight’s quarter-finals went she, along with Lance Hedman Graaf, straight on to next week’s semi-final already after the first dance. “

“But success has a price. She has hardly any social life since the training session takes up all the time. “

” I am in this bunker all the time, then, when we have trained so I’m going to go home and rest. I do not have time to meet anyone right now, ” she says. “

“”Not that I don’t want to””

“She had met someone, but feel that it is not possible as long as she is still in the ”Let’s dance”. “

” It’s not that I don’t want to date but right now is not in focus. I don’t have time right now, but it pops up someone so it is pleasant, ” says Kristin Kaspersen.”

“you Get many messages from admirers? “

” It’s not so easy to reach me. On Instagram I have to go in to see meddelandeförfrågningar from those who I don’t follow and I tend not to be in there and look. But sometimes, when I have checked, I see that there are some nice messages. “

“the Focus on to reach the finals”

“Instead of searching for a date adds Kristin all their energy to become one of the finalists in the ”Let’s dance”. “

“– I certainly don’t want to go out. I love it here and really want to be left behind. I’m thinking that I’m going to the final and see myself there, it is the only way to get there, ” she says. “