Good news+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVKristine was reunited with her mother after 42 årGODA NEWS

a few months ago, Kristine Sakari, who was adopted to Sweden as a baby, to locate her biological mother. And a few weeks ago they gathered – for the first time, write the Norrland social democrat.

“It was incredibly emotional, she cried, I cried – and all that was around us was crying,” she says to Aftonbladet.

When the 42-year-old Kristine Sakari was three months old she came to Överkalix from Argentina. Where she grew up with her adoptive parents and little brother. Kristine, who has always known that she is adopted, has always wondered about his biological mother – but it was not until she was 24 years old that she decided to search her up and take contact.

– It felt like it was more important when they had children of their own, at the time, I had just gotten my oldest girl. It popped up questions about heart problems in the family and such things. It became more and more important in quite a different way to find her.

Kristine managed to find his mother thanks to the help from one of the family’s hispanic friends, and NSD also written about. And they had no contact in three years time – but suddenly disappeared mother and was okontaktbar.

”Had received four strokes

Kristine got to continue his life in Överkalix, where she studied to be a hairdresser and had her second daughter. But a few months ago, she decided to look for her mother again and took the help of an interpreter in Argentina, who was known for finding people.

– It had been about 13 years since I heard from her last.

And sökinsatsen managed – it turned out that the mother has been jättesjuk.

– She has had four strokes, that was the reason why she disappeared. She had not been able to keep in touch with me. She had a hard time talking and she had been blind, ” says Kristine, and continues:

– I was happy that she lived at all. Thoughts that she passed away had of course occurred to me. At the same time I was sad that she was so very sick. She was blind, felt really hard from the beginning then she would not be able to see me and the children.

1 of 4 | Photo: PrivatHär got Kristine reunited with his biological mother. ”Was jättekänslosamt”

a few weeks ago when it was finally time to meet his mother for the first time noticed Kristine blindness also was not a problem. With him on the trip, she had their daughters.

– It was jättespeciellt. Firstly, I had no expectations at all. I hurried there to see that she lived. When we arrived there she lay in her bed. It was incredibly emotional, she cried, I cried – and all that was around us was crying. They tried to explain how I looked and how I was so that she would understand better.

They stayed in Argentina for 2,5 weeks and visited her mother almost every day living in a simple house with his partner – they even had the time to meet more relatives. Now they keep in touch through the mobile app WhatsApp and Kristine plan to go back in march.

– You try to look forward and get to know her and all the others that I now have had the chance to have in my life, all my family.

She thinks, however, it is important to point out that she has had, and still has, it’s very good with his family.

– I have the world’s best parents, I’m crazy grateful. All in Argentina said it also, that they are so grateful that I got the parents I have. They are so incredibly great people, mom and dad, they have really wanted that I would go and experience it here. I had never been able to get it better than I have it.