all games teenagekvinde from the village of Kundby in Vestsjælland has been accused of having threatened his former mentor and teacher in life.

the Extra Leaf has already mentioned the new case, but a public access to documents in the indictment describing now the new charges in detail.

In a phone conversation from prison she should have stated the following:

‘do you Have a bulletproof vest?’ followed by: ‘So, I think that you ought to buy one of the security reasons.’

It appears by the indictment, which Ekstra Bladet has had access to. Ekstra Bladet has in the past described that it is a former school teacher and mentor, who was the target of the threats, which is referred to in the indictment.

the Other day, the 18-year-old woman’s counsel, Mette Grith Stage, that her client intends to confess, when the case comes to court 10. January.

– She is dreadfully upset about it, said the lawyer.

It is not more than a year ago, to Kundbypigen of The high Court was sentenced to eight years in prison for his plans to attack the two liberal schools, with home-made bombs.